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並列篇名 | Response and Dilemma of a Six-Year High School to the School-Develop Curriculum of the 108 Curriculum Guidelines |
作者 | 趙筱屏、劉鎮寧 |
中文摘要 | 本研究目的旨在探討完全中學發展校訂課程時,校內相關人員之回應與困境。研究對象為南部某完全中學,採文件分析法及訪談法,以瞭解個案學校在108學年度新課綱校訂課程的規劃情形,以及課程領導者和教師在校訂課程發展上的回應與困境。研究結果發現:一、課程領導者依照新課綱之規定,漸趨完備國、高中部的校訂課程;二、個案學校在校訂課程的發展上受限於國、高中部教師的師資結構以及教師對現實條件的考量所影響﹔三、教師在課程發展上的動力,受到教師同儕意願與學校慣性作為之影響;四、課程領導者間的能力與心態落差、教師消極作為及專業發展動力不高係影響課程規劃的主因;五、個案學校因師資結構、教師思維與校內文化等因素,導致未能落實完全中學六年一貫校訂課程的理想藍圖。最後,本研究分別針對完全中學課程領導者、教師及未來研究提出建議。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to explore the response and dilemmas strategies faced by relevant personnel in the school when developing a school-develop curriculum in a six-year high school. The research object is a six-year high school, using file analysis method and interview method to understand the planning situation of the case school’ s new curriculum in the 108 academic year, as well as the predicament and response strategies of the curriculum leaders and teachers in the development of the school-develop curriculum. Research findings are as follows: (1) Curriculum leaders according to new guidelines, revising and discussing until the task is completed. (2) The development of the school-develop curriculum in the case school is limited by the teacher structure of the teachers and the teacher’s consideration of the actual conditions. (3) Teachers’ motivation in curriculum development is also influenced by teachers’ peer wishes and school inertia. (4) The main factors that affect the curriculum planning are the gap between the ability and mentality of curriculum leaders, the negative behavior of teachers and the low motivation of professional development. (5) The school in the case study was not able to carry out the ideal blueprint of the six-year continuous curriculum due to instructional human resources, teaching philosophy, institutional culture and other factors. Finally, this study provides suggestions for future research for curriculum leaders and teachers in terms of six-year high school curriculum development. |
起訖頁 | 125-152 |
關鍵詞 | 完全中學、校訂課程、課程領導、彈性課程、six-year high school、school-develop curriculum、curriculum leadership、alternative curriculum |
刊名 | 教育政策與管理 |
期數 | 202010 (5期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺北教育大學 |
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