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並列篇名 | Comparison of Professional Commitment Between Preschool Educarers and Other Professional Workers in Taiwan |
作者 | 謝亞恆 |
中文摘要 | 在教育場域裡,如何提升教育人員的專業承諾,讓人員更願意付出以提升教學品質當是最重要的目標,尤其是對個人未來發展有重要影響的幼兒教育階段,提升教保服務人員專業承諾的重要性更是不言可喻。2012年政府開始實施幼托整合政策,對幼教職業的生態帶來巨大的改變,此改變對於任教不同屬性幼兒園的教保服務人員之專業承諾有何影響?相較於其他職業工作者而言,又有何差異,都是一個待解答的問題。基於上述,本研究於2015年以問卷方式針對全臺灣地區民眾進行抽樣調查,有效樣本數為1,213人,並進行幼兒教師、教保員及其他職業工作者的比較分析,更能清楚且客觀地了解幼兒教師與教保員的相對專業承諾之特性,以及其詳細的影響機制。研究結果發現,私立幼兒園教師與教保員的主觀社會地位偏低,工作倦怠感較公立幼兒園教師與教保員高,且工作投入程度亦較公立幼兒園教師與教保員低,顯示在幼托整合政策的實施之下,私立幼兒園教師及教保員專業承諾明顯偏低,可能會不利於幼教品質之提升。 |
英文摘要 | In the field of education, how to improve professional commitment of educational professionals, and to make people more willing to devote themselves to improving teaching quality is the most important goal. Especially for the stage of early childhood education, which has an important influence on the future development of individuals, the importance of improving the professional commitment of preschool educarers is even more obvious. In 2012, the Taiwan government began to implement the integration of kindergartens and nursery schools policy, which brought about tremendous changes to the environment of preschool education. How does this change affect the professional commitment of preschool educarers who teach in different kinds of preschools? And what are the differences compared with other professional workers? These questions need to be answered. Based on the above mentioned, a questionnaire sample survey was administered to all Taiwanese citizens in 2015. The number of valid samples is 1,213. A comparative analysis of preschool teachers, educare givers and other professional workers was conducted to more clearly and objectively understand the relative professional commitment characteristics of the preschool teachers and educare givers in Taiwan and their influential mechanisms in detail. The results of this study revealed that preschool teachers and educare givers in private preschools have a lower subjective social status, a higher job burnout than those who teach in public preschools, and also have lower professional commitment than those who teach in public preschools. The results showed that the professional commitment of preschool teachers and educare givers in private preschools will decline after the implementation of the integration of kindergartens and nursery schools policy, which may be harmful to the enhancement of the quality of preschool education. |
起訖頁 | 089-125 |
關鍵詞 | 主觀社會地位、幼托整合、幼教師、專業承諾、教保員、subjective social status、integration of kindergartens and nursery schools、preschool teachers、professional commitment、educare givers |
刊名 | 教育與多元文化研究 |
期數 | 202005 (21期) |
出版單位 | 國立東華大學 |
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