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並列篇名 | How to Read Syaman Rapongan’s Ocean Experience and Cultural World? An Experiment of Tao Indigenous Literature as a Medium of Cross-Cultural Understanding |
作者 | 王應棠 |
中文摘要 | 本研究選定達悟族夏曼.藍波安的《海浪的記憶》與《黑色的翅膀》為海洋生活世界的主要表徵媒介作為閱讀文本,設計不同身分屬性的參與者進行文本閱讀與焦點團體討論。經由選定文本相關作者之文學研究評論資料,以及達悟族相關民族誌研究資料,與前述焦點團體討論所蒐集之資料進行參照、分析與詮釋,研究結果初步顯示,首先,理解的對話模式指出訪談是一種話語的形式,而討論議題則必須來自研究者對閱讀文本語言及其所涉文化現象的敏感度與提問視角,此皆關涉其前見。焦點訪談的進行是一種受議題導引的對話活動,參與者必須開放自己進入議題的反覆交談情境中,以探索不斷深入的意義,此為視域融合的成果。其次,作品文本與訪談紀錄再現了人們的經驗所展現的生活世界及其意義,這些都是透過語言的表達。而當我們據之以進行分析詮釋時,不同的前見和語言指涉的多義性顯現意義的豐富多元性,因此只有一種正確的詮釋是不可能的。但此非是要提倡相對主義的理解模式,而是強調跨文化理解要在對等的開放關係中獲致共識而開啟、豐富彼此對文化的認識。如將原住民漢語文學作為跨文化理解的媒介,並將「翻譯」作為跨文化理解的模式,讓我們可透過「翻譯」,昭示了一種包含他者,且邊界可在跨文化對話的歷史進程中不斷擴大的特質。 |
英文摘要 | This paper discusses the language and cultural context involved in the process of production and acceptance of indigenous writing from specific works cases, and further discusses how to inspire the research perspective with “translation as a model of cross-cultural understanding”. Memory of the Waves and Black Wings were selected as the representative reading texts of the famous indigenous Tao writer Syaman Rapongan. Taking outcomes of focused group discussion firstly, then supplemented by the relevant references, mainly through the selected reading text research review, as well as related ethnographic research, shows that interview is a form of discourse, the issue must come from the participants’ sensitivity to text language and its cultural context, which is related to their prejudice. Focused interview is a kind of dialogue activity guided by the issue, participants should open themselves to the issue in order to deepen significance, which is the result of the fusion of horizon. Based on the analysis and interpretation, research findings show the rich diversity of meanings, so only a correct interpretation is impossible. This is not to promote relativistic patterns of understanding, but rather to emphasize cross-cultural understanding in order to achieve consensus in reciprocal relationships and to open up mutual understanding of each other’s cultures. |
起訖頁 | 043-087 |
關鍵詞 | 文化翻譯、原住民漢語文學、夏曼.藍波安、跨文化理解、達悟族、cultural translation、indigenous literature、Syaman Rapongan、cross-cultural understanding、Tao |
刊名 | 教育與多元文化研究 |
期數 | 202005 (21期) |
出版單位 | 國立東華大學 |
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