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並列篇名 | The Attitudes of Religious People Toward Homosexuals: Examining the Mediating Effect of Sexism |
作者 | 許崇憲 |
中文摘要 | 本研究採用臺灣社會變遷基本調查計畫第六期第三次性別組資料,探討性別歧視是否中介宗教信仰對同志權利的反對。首先,將同性戀的結婚權利及子女教養品質合併為同性戀家庭權,發現沒有信仰者普遍持正向支持態度,基督信仰者、佛教徒及民間信仰者採取負向態度。其次,佛教信仰直接負向預測對同性戀家庭權的支持,亦經由宗教活動參與及敵意性別歧視,間接負向預測對同性戀家庭權的態度。第三,基督信仰對同性戀家庭權無直接預測力,對同性戀家庭權的間接預測力是經由兩條截然不同的路徑方向。一方面,基督信仰者比其他宗教信仰者更常參與各項宗教活動,後者負向預測對同性戀家庭權的支持;另一方面,基督信仰者表現出較少的慈悲性別歧視,後者負向預測對同性戀家庭權的支持。也就是說,較常參與宗教活動的虔誠基督徒較不支持同性戀家庭權,較少慈悲性別歧視的基督徒則站在較支持的立場。最後討論本研究的意涵並提出後續研究方向的建議。 |
英文摘要 | The data of Taiwan Social Change Survey (Round 6, Year 3) was used to examine the effect of sexism on the attitudes toward homosexuals’ rights among the people with religion. The attitudes toward homosexuals’ marriage and the beliefs in homosexuals’ parenting quality were combined to a new variable, homosexuals’ rights to construct families. It was found that people without religion showed more positive attitudes toward homosexuals’ constructing families and Christians, Buddhists, and people with folk religion performed more negative attitudes. Buddhist beliefs predicted the attitudes toward homosexuals’ family rights negatively, and also this prediction was mediated by the frequencies of participating religious activities and hostile sexism. Among Christians, those with participating more religious activities showed more negative attitudes toward homosexuals’ family rights, but those with less benevolent sexism performed more positively. The implications and further research were suggested. |
起訖頁 | 127-165 |
關鍵詞 | 同性戀、宗教、性別刻板印象、性別歧視、態度、homosexuality、religion、sexism、gender stereotype、attitude |
刊名 | 教育與多元文化研究 |
期數 | 202005 (21期) |
出版單位 | 國立東華大學 |
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