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並列篇名 | The Effects of Students’ Perceived Teachers’ Autonomy Support, Teachers’ Psychological Control, Self-Determination Motivation, Academic Emotions on Learning Engagement of Elementary School Students: Taking Math as Example |
作者 | 賴英娟、巫博瀚 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討學生所知覺到的教師自主支持、教師心理控制、自我決定動機及學業情緒對學習投入之影響。本研究係以臺灣地區654位國小高年級學童為研究樣本。所蒐集的資料以結構方程模式進行整體模型考驗。結果顯示:一、教師自主支持可直接提升學生自主動機;二、教師心理控制可直接增強學生的受控制動機;三、自主動機可直接提升正向學業情緒,並降低負向學業情緒;四、受控制動機可直接降低學生的正向學業情緒,並提高其負向學業情緒;五、正向學業情緒可直接促進學生的學習投入,負向學業情緒,則反之。最後,本研究建議未來研究可探究不同學科領域,以釐清教師自主支持與教師心理控制對學業情緒之「控制-價值」評估歷程,以及對「認知-動機模式」之影響。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of students’ perceived teachers’ autonomy support, teachers’ psychological control, self-determination motivation (i.e., autonomous motivation and controlled motivation) and academic emotions on learning engagement. Participants were 654 fifth- and sisth- graders students of elementary schools in Taiwan. The collected data were analyzed by Structural Equation Modeling. The results of this study were summarized as follows: (1) Teachers’ autonomous support can directly enhance students’ autonomous motivation. (2) Teachers’ psychological control can directly enhance students’ controlled motivation. (3) Students’ autonomous motivation can directly enhance positive academic emotions and decrease their negative academic emotions. (4) Students’ controlled motivation can directly decrease positive academic emotions and enhance their negative academic emotions. (5) Students’ positive academic emotions can promote learning engagement, but negative emotions show the opposite results. Finally, this study proposed exploring different subjects in the future studies so as to clarify the effects of teachers’ autonomous support and psychological control on the control-value appraisals of academic emotions as well as the influence of cognitive-motivational model. |
起訖頁 | 033-063 |
關鍵詞 | 自我決定動機、教師心理控制、教師自主支持、學習投入、學業情緒、self-determination motivation、 teachers’ psychological control、teachers’ autonomy support、 learning engagement、 academic emotions |
刊名 | 教育與心理研究 |
期數 | 201912 (42:4期) |
出版單位 | 國立政治大學教育學院 |
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