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並列篇名 | Predicting Effect of Anxiety Symptoms on Self-Concept and Peer Relationships in Preadolescent Children |
作者 | 王晴、黃素英 |
中文摘要 | 焦慮疾患是成年常見的精神疾患,有一定比例患者青少年期以前即出現相關症狀,本研究透過兩波研究資料探討前青少年期學童的焦慮症狀對自我概念、同儕關係的效果。共有175位國小5、6年級普通班學童參加間隔兩個月的兩次問卷調查,由學童自我評量焦慮症狀、自我概念及同儕關係。將第一波學童的整體焦慮症狀進行高、低焦慮分組比較自我概念及同儕關係的差異,並以第一波的特定焦慮向度為預測變項,以多元迴歸分析焦慮症狀對不同自我概念及同儕關係的預測效果。結果顯示高、低焦慮學童在家庭自我概念、正向同儕關係無顯著差異,高焦慮學童有較低的學校、外貌、身體、情緒自我概念及較高的負向同儕關係;學期初的焦慮症狀可預測學期中以後的自我概念及同儕關係,其預測效果因特定焦慮症狀、自我概念、同儕關係面向而有些不同,社交焦慮負向預測學校、個人外貌、身體、情緒自我概念及正向預測負向同儕關係,身體症狀負向預測學校、身體、情緒及正向同儕關係,逃避傷害則正向預測家庭、學校等人際、情緒自我概念,以及正向同儕關係。前青少年期學童的焦慮症狀對自我概念及同儕關係有其重要預測力,偵測及協助學童處理焦慮症狀,特別是身體症狀與社交焦慮應有助其自我發展及正向同儕適應。 |
英文摘要 | Anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental disorders of adults. A certain percentage of patients with anxiety disorder manifested anxiety-related symptoms before adolescence. The aims of this research were to investigate the effects of anxiety symptoms on self-concepts and peer relationships of preadolescent children by two-waves data. Participants, 175 elementary school students of the 5th and the 6th grades, were asked to fill out a series of questionnaire twice in a two-month interval to collect data about their anxiety symptoms, self-concepts, and peer relationships. The first batch of questionnaire data were grouped by anxiety indicators. Specific anxiety indicators were used as the predictors to analyze the relationships between anxiety and self-concept as well as anxiety and peer relationship by regression analysis. Results showed that children with high-anxiety symptoms had lower self-concepts in domains of school, physical, and emotion. They also had higher level of negative peer relationships. Anxiety symptoms happened in the beginning of semester could effectively predict children’s self-concepts and peer relationships during the semester. The predictive effects varied with anxiety symptoms, self-concepts, and peer relationships. Social anxiety significant predict school, physical, appearance, emotion self-concepts, and negative peer relationship. Physical symptoms had negative effect on school, physical, emotion, and positive peer relationships, however, harm avoidance had positive impact on self-concept and positive relationships. Preadolescent children’s anxiety symptoms could well predict the development of self-concept and peer relationships in their growth. Our findings also supported that detecting and assisting children in coping with his/her anxiety symptoms, especially the physical symptoms and social anxiety, might be helpful on his/her self-development and positive peer relationships. |
起訖頁 | 105-132 |
關鍵詞 | 自我概念、同儕關係、前青少年期、焦慮、self-concept、peer relationships、preadolescence、anxiety |
刊名 | 教育與心理研究 |
期數 | 201903 (42:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立政治大學教育學院 |
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