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並列篇名 | Development and Transformation of Historical Thinking Instruction: Analysis Based on Curriculum Guidelines |
作者 | 劉哲瑋 |
中文摘要 | 過去20年,臺灣的歷史教育,從課綱層級來看,朝向兩個不同的脈絡發展,領域統整教學與強調歷史學科本質的分科教學。本文透過國內外社會領域課程發展文件的爬梳,採用文本分析法,探討兩個取向的發展脈絡,並在此基礎上,分析十二年國教社會領綱草案,如何延續及轉化領域統整與歷史學科本質的兩大脈絡,且回應十二年國教課綱的規範。研究發現,十二年國教社會領綱草案的規劃雖立基於既有的基礎,整合過去分裂的兩個體系,但因歷史思維在教育現場仍未落實,使得新課綱下,歷史教師將面臨歷史學科的知識增能、歷史思維的培養,以及將歷史思維融入核心素養,進行素養導向教學設計等三方面的挑戰,需要有更多的協作配套與教師共備空間予以支持。 |
英文摘要 | From the aspect of curriculum guidelines, history education in Taiwan has developed toward two different ways over the past twenty years. They are the pedagogies respectively focused on the integration and historical subject. By textual analysis, the article tries to discuss the two kinds of developments and the evolutions both at home and abroad through searching the domestic and foreign information related to social studies. The article also analyzes the draft of 12-year compulsory education social studies leading guidelines and how it carries on in both ways of integration and historical subject, and furthermore, replies to Directions Governing for the 12-Year Basic Education Curricula. The study indicates that the draft of 12-year compulsory education social studies leading guidelines integrates the two separate systems and can be put into practice to some extent. However, as far as the reality concerned, teachers of junior high schools and senior high schools can hardly help students cultivate their elementary ability or historical thinking due to the huge amount of knowledge and the tight schedules. Under the new curriculum guidelines, history teachers will be faced with challenges of “enhancing historical knowledge,” “cultivating historical thinking,” “integrating historical thinking into core competencies and implementing competency-oriented instructional design” and need more supporting measures and collaborative lesson planning. |
起訖頁 | 091-106 |
關鍵詞 | 十二年國教、社會領域、統整教學、歷史思維、12-Year Basic Education Curricula、social studies、integrated instruction、historical thinking |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 201810 (294期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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