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並列篇名 | The Development of Herbartianism and Its Didactics in Modern China |
作者 | 陳濼翔、林仁傑 |
中文摘要 | 本研究探討赫爾巴特主義教學法如何傳入近代中國及其後續的發展,欲藉由描述赫爾巴特主義在德國的興衰、引進日本後的發展梗概,以及中國取道日本接受與實踐赫爾巴特主義的情況,釐清與重建這段特殊的教育學與教學法國際化的過程,並提出一個簡明、完整的樣貌。在1900年代,W. Rein等幾位具有代表性的赫爾巴特主義者的學說,包含其教學法,以及稍後的發展情況,基本上都曾以譯作、期刊文章或教科書等形式,在教育學和教授法的領域傳播。大約1909年左右,五段教授法的教案才受到較多的關注和推廣,並且至少在J. Dewey訪華以前,五段教授法保有權威的地位。新教育於1920年代在近代中國興盛之時,理論上的赫爾巴特主義及其教學法逐漸由兒童中心主義所取代,惟教學實際上的五段教授法並未消逝,而是以教案和備課的形式或變體,穩定地流傳下來。 |
英文摘要 | This study aims to interpret how Herbartianism, especially its five formal steps of didactics, was adopted and developed in modern China. The rise and fall of Herbartianism in Germany and a sketch of the adoption process in Japan were described, since one route of the international Herbartianism movement came from Japan to Mainland China. In the 1900s, several Herbartianism scholars’ doctrines and the current situation of Herbartianism were disseminated through translated works, journal articles or textbooks in the fields of pedagogy and teaching methodology in China. Since about 1909, lesson plans based on five formal steps could be concerned deeply and distributed broadly. The five formal steps in teaching still maintained its mainstream position before John Dewey visited China. When the New Education flourished in the 1920s, the Herbartianism was progressively replaced by the childcentered education, while the five formal steps of didactics never faded away. They are stably passed down and would be remembered nowadays when teachers prepare lessons. |
起訖頁 | 107-122 |
關鍵詞 | W. Rein、五段教授法、近代中國、赫爾巴特主義、W. Rein、fi ve formal steps of didactics、modern China、Herbartianism |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 201810 (294期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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