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並列篇名 | From Skill to Competence of English Language Teaching: The Contextualized Communicative Approach |
作者 | 林明佳 |
中文摘要 | 溝通式教學觀(the Communicative Approach)自1980年代起,即為通則性的、重要的外語教學觀。此教學觀廣泛地應用於英語教學,著重養成溝通知能(細分成語言知能、社會語言知能、言談/篇章知能、溝通策略知能)。為養成學生的溝通知能,臺灣的英語教育實務常轉化此教學觀成為豐富的課程及教學。然而,受限於臺灣英語學習的情境脈絡、升學式評量等,學生是否養成適切的、能活用的英語溝通知能,以完成其生活╱學習經驗的溝通任務,仍是英語教學界持續關注的議題。另一方面,十二年國教素養導向課程強調情境脈絡的學習、態度與知能的整合、學生的活用實踐與精進反思等,期待每位學生不僅有成功的學習,且樂於成為終身學習者。本文旨在探討臺灣現行英語教育對溝通式教學觀的實踐與挑戰,並分析溝通式教學觀與英語文素養導向課程改革的異同,文末提出英語學與教的建議,讓每位學生的英語學習都有成功的可能。 |
英文摘要 | Since 1980s, the Communicative Approach has been a generic, and essential language-teaching approach. This approach has been extensively adopted in English language teaching (ELT), for developing communicative competence (i.e., grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence). While attempting to develop the students’ communicative competence, the ELT practitioners in Taiwan have implemented a wide range of English-language curriculum and instruction. Yet constrained by the EFL learning context, the high-risk high-school or college entrance exam, the EFL practitioners have held concerns about the extent to which the EFL students in Taiwan can develop the communicative competence in real-life tasks. On the other hand, the 12-Year Basic Education underlines contextualized learning, a re-integration of attitude, skill, and knowledge, and an applied practice experience and reflection on autonomous English learning. The article addresses the practices and challenges of implementing the Communicative Approach in the ELT in Taiwan. This article also states the potential similarities and differences between the Communicative Approach and the guiding principles of the 12-Year Basic Education. The article concludes with the ELT implications, as well as an expectation for the higher possibility for the successful English learning of each student. |
起訖頁 | 072-090 |
關鍵詞 | 十二年國教、自主學習、素養導向英語學習、情境化的活用、溝通式教學觀、12-Year Basic Education、learner autonomy、competence-oriented English learning、contextualized application、the communicative approach |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 201810 (294期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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