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並列篇名 | From “Reading the books” to “Reading the texts”: Trends and Issues of Grade 1-9 Reading Education in Chinese Mandarin |
作者 | 蔡曉楓 |
中文摘要 | 閱讀教育一直是臺灣教育改革的重點,然而,閱讀教育的成功,不僅在於硬體設備的建置、國家政策的推行,更在基礎研究的成果、教師教學觀念及教學知能的改變、學校整體課程的規劃與教材的品質是否能配合現場教學的需求,幫助基層教育工作者從整全性的角度規劃閱讀教學課程。為回答此問題,本研究以文獻分析的方式,梳理官方文件及近20年來國中小閱讀教學研究,探析臺灣閱讀教育的研究趨勢以及國家推動閱讀教育的方針。分析結果指出,順應世界教育改革潮流,自九年一貫課程實施之後,政府與民間皆大力推行閱讀教學,其成果也逐漸改變傳統的語文教學觀念。然而,面對十二年國教要求培養跨領域學習、終身學習、自主學習的核心素養,臺灣在基礎研究及政策實施上尚須以整體性的考量,增加對師資培育、教材教法與校本課程的關注,以「證據為本」的角度,在語文教學領域中思考如何促進學用合一,才能真正有助於閱讀教學落實於教室教學中,成為終身學習的基礎。 |
英文摘要 | Over the past decades, there has been an increased focus nationally on the development of reading competence for 1-9 students. This increased focus has spawned several important official documents, such as curriculum standards or curriculum guidelines of Chinese Mandarin in 1-9 grades, to support the occurrence of reading instruction in public schools. However, these official documents also acknowledged a need for more research on reading instruction, which include but not limit to, the dialoguebetween theory and practice, the decision-making process of educational policy, the change of teachers’ teaching belief and expertise, instructional materials and schools’ circumstance. After the implementation of Grade 1-9 Curriculum in 2001, the trend of reading education in Taiwan has been gradually shifted to a new paradigm. Before the implementation of 12-Year Basic Education Curricula, an overview of some pivotal topics is presented to depict the trends and issues of 1-9 Mandarin Chinese reading instruction in the past 20 years. The findings firstly suggested a holistic examination of our preparation on reading instruction in elementary and middle schools, then proposed a need for more practical research on the topics of quality of textbooks; teachers’ teaching skills; and the school-based reading programs. Furthermore, findings also suggested more “evidence-oriented” educational policy which issupposed to bridge the gap between practice and theory in our reading education. |
起訖頁 | 049-071 |
關鍵詞 | 十二年國教、國語文、閱讀教學、12-Year Basic Education Curricula、Mandarin Chinese、reading instruction |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 201810 (294期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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