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並列篇名 | Is There Change or No Change Inteaching: A Perspective from the Science of Brain |
作者 | 高博銓 |
中文摘要 | 教學是學校教育的核心活動,其實施的良窳攸關學生的學習成效。長期以來,學校教師的教學實施主要是奠基在哲學、心理學、社會學、人類學等領域的發展上。近年來,隨著大腦科學的快速發展,累積不少的研究成果,也讓我們可以從另類觀點來檢視教師的教學實施。整體而言,大腦科學的研究發現凸顯了教學的變與不變。本文指出,教學不變之處是教師常用的意義、示範、類化、自動等教學原則,獲得大腦科學研究的支持;而教學變化之處則是強調教師的教學要擺脫傳統的束縛,採用模式切換(發散模式、專注模式)、巧用推力、駕馭意志、改變框架等策略來設計教學。是以,教師若能參酌大腦科學的研究發現,採用「與腦相容的教學」(brain-compatible teaching),將能革新教學之面貌,協助學生獲得更佳的學習經驗。 |
英文摘要 | Teaching is anessential part of school education. The effectiveness of teaching has a lot to do with students’ learning. For a long time, the implementation of teaching in school is mainly based on philosophy, psychology, sociology, and anthropology. Over the past few years, with the rapid development of brain science, we can examine the implementation of teaching from a different point of view. On the whole, research in brain science has highlighted the changes in teaching. The paper shows that principles of teaching commonly used by teachers, such as meaning, demonstration, apperception, and automation, are supported by brain science. On the other hand, teaching should be freed from the traditional concepts. The following recommendations can help make teaching more effective: (1) Tochoose mode (diffuse mode or focused mode) wisely. (2) To use nudge. (3) Tomake good use of willpower. (4) To design teaching with proper cognitive frames. Therefore, if teachers can take into account the viewpoints from brain science and adopt “brain-compatible teaching”, they will be able to innovate in teaching and help students gain a better learning experience. |
起訖頁 | 033-048 |
關鍵詞 | 大腦科學、神經科學、教學、science of brain、neuroscience、teaching |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 201810 (294期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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