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並列篇名 | On the Inalterable Principles of Teaching from a Survey of “The Book of Rites: Xue Ji ” and “Powerful Learning ” |
作者 | 傅潔琳、單文經 |
中文摘要 | 本文解析古代儒家經典《禮記•學記》與當代美國教育學者Ron S. Brandt所撰《有效學習》的內容,藉以印證古今中外教師皆應依循之不變的教學原理。二者雖皆以學為名,實則在教以學為本、學因教而興的前提下,課以教師教的重責。於分別概述二者的大要後,本文先將意義、挑戰、發展、多元、差異、互動、建構、回饋、成功、氣氛、整體等十項原理,歸併為學習內容、策略與環境三個方面,逐一加以說明;其後,本文指出優秀教師為實現這些不變教學原理的保證。最後,本文至盼全體教師,皆能確認固本然後能求創新的道理,落實各項教學原理! |
英文摘要 | This paper analyzed the contents of “The Book of Rites: Xue Ji,” a Confucianclassics, and “Powerful Learning,” a book written by a contemporary American educator to justify some inalterable principles of teaching. Although both have a word “learning” on title, the two works actually focused on the ways teachers fulfilling their teaching responsibility. After sketching their contents, all ten principles of meaningfulness, challenge, development, multiplicity, diversity, interaction, construction, successfulness, atmosphere and wholeness were first described by being incorporated into three categories of learning, i.e. contents, strategies and environment, that excellent teachers is the assurance for implicating those principles of teaching was then explicated. In the concluding section, the authors expected that all the teachers would practice those principles of teaching in their own classrooms. They should understand that the consolidation of origin is the basis of innovative practices. |
起訖頁 | 019-032 |
關鍵詞 | 《有效學習》、教學原理、《禮記•學記》、“The Book of Rites: Xue Ji”、“Powerful Learning”、principles of teaching |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 201810 (294期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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