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並列篇名 | An Analysis on Aboriginal Literacy Education: Learning from Canada |
作者 | 陳沛嵐 |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要借鏡加拿大原住民閱讀素養教育的經驗,從原住民閱讀方案、原住民閱讀研究,以及原住民閱讀政策三方面來瞭解其語文素養教育的現況,主要獲致的加拿大原住民閱讀特點有三:第一、現今加拿大的原住民閱讀方案從教學方法、課程方案到結合圖書館的閱讀方案,試圖從多元的觸角伸入不同年齡層的讀者。第二、加拿大原住民閱讀研究目前所累積的實證研究主要包含原住民與非原住民之差異、原住民閱讀表現及其影響因素,以及原住民閱讀方案的成效。第三、加拿大原住民閱讀政策從資金的挹注、實質的圖書館文化覺識教育、閱讀研究的進行,以及讓閱讀變成公眾關注的議題等來推展原住民閱讀政策。這些加拿大原住民的閱讀教育提供我們得以從臺灣原住民閱讀教育之結合性、臺灣原住民閱讀教學職前和在職方案之前瞻性、臺灣原住民閱讀研究之扎根性,以及臺灣原住民閱讀政策之能見性等面向進行反思。透過這些探索分析,我們得以分析臺灣的原住民閱讀教育在課程、教學、研究以及政策上可著力之方向。 |
英文摘要 | In this paper, the current status of the aboriginal Canadian literacy education in the areas of program literacy, literacy research, and policy are analyzed. Three characteristics of Canadian aboriginal literacy were identified. First, teaching, curriculum, and library programs are three main aboriginal literacy programs offered in Canadian universities. Second, four kinds of empirical Canadian aboriginal literacy research exist. These include the differences between aboriginal and non-aboriginal learners, aboriginal learners’ literacy performance, influencing performance factors and the effectiveness of aboriginal literacy programs. Third, Canada implements aboriginal literacy policies through funding, library culture awareness education, research, and making literacy a more public issue. Canadian literacy education provides an effective example of aboriginal literacy education for Taiwan. This education includes the perceptiveness of preservice and in-service literacy education, the ground of aboriginal literacy research, and the visibility of an aboriginal literacy policy. Based on the nalysis, Canadian literacy education can be used as an example for the direction of Taiwan’s aboriginal literacy education in curriculum, teaching, research and policy. |
起訖頁 | 123-162 |
關鍵詞 | 加拿大原住民閱讀、閱讀方案、閱讀研究、閱讀政策、閱讀素養教育、Canadian aboriginal literacy、literacy program、literacy research、literacy policy、literacy education |
刊名 | 中正教育研究 |
期數 | 201706 (16:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立中正大學教育學院 |
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