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並列篇名 | Break Through Speaking Habits and Start a Happy Life |
作者 | 劉秀丹 |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在說明透過習慣領域理論可以有效幫助建立幸福說話習慣,全文以習慣領域的重要理論與幸福說話進行連結。首先界定說話是一種習慣,且和幸福感關係密切,接著說明習慣領域的核心思想就是幸福說話的重要心法,然後闡述人類「相互回報」的通性,正是溝通互動性的最佳說明,建議要從自己開始,建立正向幸福說話迴圈。而欣賞、讚美、感恩是習慣領域的重要光明信念,同時也是幸福說話的重要功法,文中強調讚美的方式要具體,並且鼓勵用感恩欣賞式的讚美。習慣領域強調人人都是無價之寶,但要如何愛護自己呢?莫讓「非理性的自我內言」傷害自己,是愛自己的重要說話方法。向大師學習是擴展習慣領域的重要工具,同樣也適用於說話習慣的建立,文中以瑜珈大師為例,說明如何虛心向大師學習幸福說話。最後,本文也以習慣領域的「覺、學、用、享」作為建立幸福說話習慣的重要步驟,鼓勵讀者依此步驟循序建立幸福說話習慣。 |
英文摘要 | The main purpose of the article is to elaborate that speaking is an important habit and the habitual domains theory helps to effectively establish speaking habits that bring happiness to our life. This article links the habitual domains theory to speaking with happiness. First of all, we define speaking as a habit. We demonstrate that the method to happiness starts from good speaking. Second, we explain that “reciprocation behavior” is one of the human nature according the habitual domains theory, it is the feature of communication. It is advice that we should start from ourselves to build positive conversation cycle. The bright faith of habitual domains is that we should always be thankful, always appreciate what others have done for us. Thankfulness and appreciation are as well the methods to speak with happiness. In the article, we explain how we praise others as specific as we can. Habitual domains theory emphasize that everyone is priceless, so do not let “irrational words” from inside hurt yourself, this is an important speaking habit to protect yourself. We should also learn from master how to cultivate a good speaking habit in order to live a happy life. Finally, we encourage everyone to practice and cultivate good speaking habits in daily life. |
起訖頁 | 051-062 |
關鍵詞 | 幸福、習慣領域、溝通、說話習慣、happiness、habitual domains、communication、speaking habits |
刊名 | 習慣領域期刊 |
期數 | 201609 (7:2期) |
出版單位 | 社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會 |
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