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並列篇名 | Visualizing Habitual Domains Differences Across Political Generations: Exploring the Patterns with Multiple Correspondence Analysis |
作者 | 劉正山 |
中文摘要 | 近年臺灣發展的民主看似波濤洶湧,熱鬧非凡,但底層的歧見及隱憂卻難被客觀描述和討論。世代的差異不僅只是表象上的「不同」,其實可能還夾帶著對立衝突的種子。政治人物、媒體與民眾,如何可能在近年重重的認同爭辯中,突破自己、組織、團隊乃至整個世代的習慣領域?當政治學的民意研究與習慣領域理論結合,能為此民主的隱憂帶來什麼前所未見的圖像和啟示?本研究使用2015年釋出的社會變遷調查國家認同題組,以多元對應分析方法探索這些主要政治認同測量題之間的潛在連結及相異性,並進一步以此勾勒不同世代民眾之間,在政治認同樣貌上的異同。本研究的發現及運用習慣領域視野所做出的詮釋,不僅有助於學者開拓新的研究議題、重新發現調查研究對於探索型研究的貢獻,亦有助於讀者洞悉自己、政黨,以及不同世代選民思考的侷限,找到化解衝突的政治格局。 |
英文摘要 | Taiwan’s participatory democracy has been making progress recently, but it remains difficult for the general public to discover fundamental problems that are embedded within the phenomena. Beyond simply categorizing generations, we should be able to identify types of differences and how such differences lead to political and social conflict, a threat to a developing democracy. This study waves the ongoing stream of research on public opinion and voting behavior in political science and the established habitual domains (HD) theory. By applying multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) to a nationally representative data set, which was collected during 2013 and released in 2015, I profile the actual domains of respondents within each quadrant along two dimensions: national identification and state (ROC) identification and present how the five political generations differ from each other. The patterns identified and interpreted with the HD theory will help readers to expand own political habitual domains and seek higher level of solution for Taiwan’s future political conflict. |
起訖頁 | 027-050 |
關鍵詞 | 世代差異、民主發展、民族認同、國家認同、習慣領域、generation differences、democratic development、state identification、national identification、habitual domains |
刊名 | 習慣領域期刊 |
期數 | 201609 (7:2期) |
出版單位 | 社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會 |
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