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並列篇名 | Using Habitual Domains Core Theory to Analysis the Harmony of Knowledge and Action |
作者 | 林金順 |
中文摘要 | 學習習慣領域之目的在於如何「突破習慣限制」與「拓展無限領域」,修習之道,端在於先從認識習慣領域內涵著手,才能有效運用該理論而轉化於實務行動面。習慣領域的「三大領域」是該學說的核心理論,也是心理學與行為科學的重大發現,包含大腦的念頭與思路所處的「潛在領域」、「可達領域」及「實際領域」,其引發與延伸,常態上是由深而淺,由大而小,依「可發概率」而生。不過在非常態下也可由淺而深(實際領域—可達領域—潛在領域)的逆向發展,此當為後續學習者所宜積極深入探討的新空間。 此外,習慣領域理論中對念頭思路引發的「心念面」有精闢的解析,但對於如何轉化運用於「行動面」,則尚未見學習者有具體的發表。本研究為研究者就習慣領域理論的長年實踐過程及體認習慣領域「心、知、行」互動發展中,探索發現的多種模式,大體上可區分「識以引動」、「心以導行」、「慧以啟智」、「願以力行」等多種類型,然此僅是研究者的一己淺見,若能融會貫通而得心應手,則是領導管理、決策規劃、危機處理等絕佳工具。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of studying habitual domains (HD) is to learn how to break through one’s habitual limitations and utilize unlimited expansion areas. To practice HD one must start with an understanding of HD: only then we can effectively use the theory in action. The “three large domains” is the core HD theory, based on the disciplines of psychology and behavioral sciences. The three aspects of this cognitive core theory are potential domains, reachable domains and actual domains. The way to initiate and extend thoughts is normally from deep to shallow, from large to small, depending on probability. Sometimes it alsopossible to develop thoughts reversely from shallow to deep (actual domains, reachable domains and potential domains). The three aspects of HD provide opportunities for future research and discussion. Even though the theory of HD has penetrating brilliance for “mind surface” of thoughts and thinking, to date the theory has not been well explained in any publication. This article is the realization of my practice over many years based on HD theory. It is an exploration of many HD models, and theinteraction between “mind, knowing and behavior.” It includes the following notions: “Knowledge bringing ones’ action,” “mind leading ones’ behavior,” “wisdom enlightening ones’ intelligence,” and “desire bringing ones’ practice with earnestness.” The words above might be my opinion. However, I truly believe that achieving mastery through comprehensive practice of HD theory will become the greatest tool for your leadership, management, decision making and problem solving. |
起訖頁 | 001-026 |
關鍵詞 | 念頭、思路、習慣領域、智慧、ideas、thoughts、habitual domains、intelligences |
刊名 | 習慣領域期刊 |
期數 | 201609 (7:2期) |
出版單位 | 社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會 |
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