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並列篇名 | The Management Based on the Childcentered Core Value: An Alternative School in Indiana, USA |
作者 | 洪福財 |
中文摘要 | 「和諧學園」位於印第安那(Indiana)州孟羅郡的布魯明頓市,是一所經費完全自籌的私立學校,自1974年創校迄今已逾40年,由於辦學績效獲得社區肯定,僅用10美元就購得現有校舍,至今生源不絕。這所以社區為本位經營的學校,能夠獲得師生支持、家長積極參與,以及社區民眾的支持肯定,究竟有何獨特的經營理念與方式?研究者於2015年4月多次到訪該校參觀教學,同時訪談該校教職員,試圖尋找各方對學校經營的描繪,彙整該校的辦學特色與教育核心價值。據此,本文從學校環境、師生互動、教師聘任、課程發展、家長參與、社區關係,以及學生學習表現等方面,蒐集學校辦學的相關資訊,最後彙整出該校辦學的10項啟示,進一步歸結該校的6項教育核心價值為:教育願景與目標明確、充分參與且相互信任、專業分工並充分尊重、融入社區並鼓勵參與、勇於承擔以展現理念、多元經營以尋求永續。 |
英文摘要 | Harmony School is located in Bloomington, Monroe County, Indiana, which is a private and self-funding school. Harmony was founded in 1974 and has the good reputation in Bloomington. She bought the building by ten dollars only due to the good reputation, and enrollment shortage isn’t a problem of her. The study aims to find the beliefs about the alternative school management and try to analyze the reasons how she get pupils support and parent involvement. The researcher visited Harmony School for many times on April 2015, document-collecting and interview were used by the study. Ten implications were concluded, and six core values were presented based on them as follow: (1) clear-vision owned and objectives are presented; (2) fully participate and mutual trust among colleagues; (3) specialized and fully respect for faculties; (4) community-participation and integration are encouraged; (5) the leader shows courage-taking and keeps ongoing communicating with stakeholders; (6) devoted to diverse management and sustainable development. |
起訖頁 | 051-073 |
關鍵詞 | 另類學校、和諧學園、學校經營、alternative school、Harmony School、school management |
刊名 | 教育政策與管理 |
期數 | 201610 (1期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺北教育大學 |
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| 法治教育的核心價值:友善校園理念的實踐 |
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| 大學階段教育分流、學科性別屬性與地位取得 |