高中與大學多元進路的發展趨勢及其議題 Multi Pathways From High Schools to Universities: Developments and Issues
高中108課綱運作與大學升學鏈結狀況之研究 Study on the Implementation of the Senior High School 108 Curriculum Guidelines and Its Connection With University Admission
為何大一新生不主動學習?學習模式轉向的機會與挑戰 Why Do First-Year College Students Resist Learning? Opportunities and Challenges in the Transition to College
檢視各國大學入學非認知能力學習成果標準:以學生學習歷程檔案進行探討 Investigating the Learning Outcomes of Non-cognitive Abilities in University Admissions Across Countries: A Study Through Learning Portfolios
以夥伴關係觀點探究學校改進的專業支持網絡:以高中優質化輔助方案專家諮輔為例 The Preliminary Study in School Improvement With the Perspective of Partnership: The Case of School Consulting System in School Actualization Program
從永續發展教育角度看各教育階段國際教育的重要性 The Importance of International Education at Various Educational Stages From the Perspective of Sustainable Development Education
探索與重塑大一年:從國外實證到臺灣實踐 Exploring and Reframing First-Year Experience: Evidence-Based Insights From the U.S. to Practical Implications in Taiwan