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並列篇名 | Multi Pathways From High Schools to Universities: Developments and Issues |
作者 | 林永豐 |
中文摘要 | 依照我國學制,後期中等教育是從共同教育過渡到分殊教育的重要關鍵。而從高中職學校進入大學校院的進路,包括各類的多元入學管道,影響了高中職學生進一步邁向分殊的高等教育科系與專業領域,不僅是教育分化功能的展現,更影響到大多數學生的專業與生涯發展,其重要性不言可喻。本文分析近10年來的主要統計資料,探討後期中等教育主要進路的發展趨勢。其中,不變的趨勢是高比例的就學率仍非常明顯,而升學為主的進路遠多於就業進路也是維持多年不變的趨勢。相對地,變化較大的趨勢則包括各進路學生人數、各進路畢業學生數的人數,尤其是各進路的相對比例消長明顯,普通進路的比例增加,相對地技職進路與綜合高中的比例逐年降低,而海外就讀與實驗教育提供了新的機會,人數也有明顯的增加,但就整體而言,規模都仍甚小。繼之針對三項議題進行討論,包括:受教年限延長的趨勢明顯,影響後中教育功能的定位;普通/技職比率持續消長,普通化趨勢影響各進路內涵;以及多元入學精神廣被接受,但採計方式與教育定位有待釐清等。這些問題影響不僅影響高中與大學進路的鏈結關係,也影響我國後期中等教育的發展,更攸關後期中等教育各進路的教育定位、課綱規劃、課程與教學內涵與高等教育入學的選才設計等,值得更加重視,及早規劃,以因應未來的改革需求。 |
英文摘要 | In Taiwan, upper secondary education is the key stage between common education to specific education. Those pathways from high schools to universities, i.e. those entrance pathways to diverse departments of HE direct high school students to specific professions or disciplines and thus different careers. The importance of the pathways is therefore highlighted. This paper reviews main statistics in the last decade about upper secondary education and, in particular, about main pathways to higher education. On the one hand, high rate of participation in education keep evident in the past ten years. The proportions of students in education is far more higher than those go for labor market. On the other hand, relative proportion of student number in different pathways change significantly. The general pathways bypass the vocational pathway in 2018 and become the main pathway to HE. Based on the analysis of statistics, this paper highlights three issues. First, longer participation in education after compulsory is evident and re-consideration of education function of upper secondary education is needed. Second, ratio of general to vocational pathways keep reversed. Generalization of upper secondary education and its impact on different pathways should be emphasized. Third, although initiatives of diverse pathways to He is widely accepted, it is the entrance mechanism for different pathways to universities become controversial. It is concluded by the end of this paper that three issues about pathways mentioned above become challenges of post compulsory education. It is important to face these challenges for the future development of education policies and agendas. |
起訖頁 | 004-018 |
關鍵詞 | 升學進路、後期中等教育、高等教育入學、education pathways、upper secondary education、entrance of higher education |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202405 (361期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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| 高中108課綱運作與大學升學鏈結狀況之研究 |