- 自我認識、生命意義與價值探索:一個以哲學實踐為基礎的教學嘗試 Self-Knowledge, Meaning in Life and the Exploration of Values: An Attempt Based on Philosophical Practice
- 心靈環保生命教育芻議 Tentative Study of Spiritual Environment Protection and Life Education
- 佛教心靈環保的經營管理策略 A Buddhist Perspective on Management Strategies Through Protecting the Spiritual Environment
- 佛教經濟學101:佛教經濟學原理 Buddhist Economics 101: Principles of Buddhist Economics
- 108自在語之幸福意涵 Well-Being in the 108 Adages of Wisdom
- 佛教「悲智雙運」的價值與實踐之研究 A Study on the Values and Practice of Buddhism's "Compassion and Wisdom"
- 慈悲與智慧的公務倫理 The Ethics of Public Service Based on Compassion and Wisdom
- 初探心靈環保與永續發展:永續躍遷視角之分析 "Spiritual Environmentalism" and Sustainable Development: A Perspective on Sustainability Transition