- 20 世纪比较教育学者的历史方法论探析 The Analysis of Historical Methodology of Comparative Education Scholar in the 20th Century
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- 论学校制度生活促进个体发展的机制 Mechanisms of School System Life in Promoting Individual Development
- 转识成智: 现代教学的认知价值追求 From Knowledge to Wisdom: Pursuit of Cognitive Value in Teaching
- 教学中的问题: 基于思维发展的理解 Problems in Teaching: Comprehension Based on the Development of Students’Thinking
- 教师发展的非反思路径 The Non-Reflective Approach to Teacher Development
- 经验传承、实践反思与人生教育———论教学活动的三种形态及与教师发展的关系 Experience Inheritance,Reflective Practice and Life Education: Three Forms of Teaching and its Relation to Teacher Development
- 我国院校评估指标体系研究———从影响本科教学质量因素的视角 Research on the Institutional Evaluation Criteria System in China: Perspective of Factors influencing the Undergraduate Teaching Quality
- 国际科学教学心理的研究进展与趋势 Research Progress and Trend of International Research on Science Teaching Psychology
- 教育神经科学视野下的有害压力研究及教育对策 Researches on stress from the perspectives of educational neuroscience and its implication to education
- 通达创造性顿悟的具身之路 Embodied Approaches to Creative Insight
- 知识基础对大学生创新思维的影响 Research on the Role of Knowledge Base in University Students’Creative Thinking
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- 恩科制、科举功能嬗变与清代教育危机 The Enke System,Function Shift of the Imperial Examination System and the Crisis in Education in Qing Dynasty
- 解读金陵女大: 文化冲突的视角 An Analysis of Ginling Girls’College: Perspective of Cultural Conflict
- 钱穆论中国大学教育之目标 Qian Mu’s Thoughts on Educational Ideas of Universities in China