- 智慧教室:概念特征、系统模型与建设案例 How to Build a Smart Classroom: from Concept to Implementation
- 论TPACK视域下专家型教师培养模式的转变 The Transformation of Expert Teaching Training: from the Perspective of TPACK
- 混合学习的研究现状和趋势分析 Research Status and Frontier about Blended Learning
- 我国特殊教育信息化研究现状述评 Literature Review on Special Education Informatization Research in China
- 基于微视频的JiTT教学实践研究——以学习元平台为例 A JiTT Teaching Practice Research Based on Micro-video——Using Learning Cell as an Example
- Scratch程序设计课教学实践研究——基于体验学习圈的视角 The Teaching Practice Research of the Program Design Course Named Scratch——From the Perspective of Experiential Learning Cycle
- 基于柯式模型的高校教师教育技术培训效果的评价 The Evaluation of Faculty Training on Educational Technology based on the Kirkpatrick's Model
- 基于AHP的高校教师评价体系理论与实践 The Theory and Practice about College Teachers' Evaluation System Based on AHP
- 全国教育科学规划教育技术类立项课题的统计与分析 Statistics and Analysis of Approved Educational Technology Projects Financed by National Education Science Planning
- 构建“三位一体”的师范生教育技术能力培养模式研究 The Research on Constructing the Trinity Cultivation Mode of Educational Technology Ability of Normal College Students
- 顶岗实习生“三维一体”教育技术技能培训新模式研究——以H大学为例 A study on a New Mode of The Post Practice Students "Three Dimensional in One" Educational Technology Skill Training—— Taking H University for Example
- 大数据时代高校云资源应用 The Application of Cloud Resources in University in Era of Big Data
- 搭建网络共享平台,提升计算中心实验教学功能 Establish Network Sharing Platform,Impove the Services of Experimental Teaching of Computing Center
- 基于云计算的网络数字化微格教学系统研究 Research of the Network Digital Microteaching System Based on Cloud Computing
- 基于ARCS动机模型的网络公开课教学视频分析——从学习动机角度看幸福课的成功及其启示 Video Analysis of Online Open Courses Based on the ARCS Motivation Model——View the Success of Positive Psychology from Perspective of Learning Motivation and Its Inspirations
- 基于关联主义视域的网络自我组织学习策略研究 The Strategic Research of Web-based Self-customized Study Based on the Knowledge View of Connectivism
- 基于眼球定位技术的在线教育系统框架思考 Opinions of Online Education System Based On Eyeballs Location Tech.
- 课程微博知识分享的效用研究 The Rearch about The Effect of the Knowledge Sharing based on Classes Micro-blogs
- JavaFX RIA框架下学习资源获取MASHUP富客户端设计与实现 How to Designed and Achieve of the Learning Resources Obtain the Rich Client Function Under The Framework Of Javafx RIA
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- CDIO视域下基于项目的协同教学理念与实践——以教育技术实践项目课程为例 The Idea and Practice of Collaborative Teaching Based on Project in View of CDIO
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- 结对编程在师范院校计算机专业实践教学改革中的应用 Application of Pair Programming for Computer Major Practical Teaching Reform in Normal University