- 自我框架、风险认知和风险选择 Self-framing, Risk Perception and Risky Choice
- 海洛因戒除者的行为冲动性:基于DDT和IGT任务反应模式的探讨 Impulsivity in Heroin Abstainers: Reaction Pattern Based on the Delay-Discounting Task and the Iowa Gambling Task
- 中文阅读中的边界效应及其消除:事件持续效应 The Boundary Effect and Its Elimination in Chinese Text Reading: The Event Duration Effect
- 字频和预存表征对相继记忆效应的影响 Effects of Character Frequency and Preexisting Representation on the Subsequent Memory Effect
- 语法语境下汉语名动分离的ERP研究 Neural Distinction between Chinese Nouns and Verbs in the Grammatical Context: An ERP Study
- 锚定判断中的心理刻度效应:来自ERP的证据 The Mental Scale in Anchoring Effects: Evidence from Event-Related Potentials
- 欺骗任务中结果评价的FN效应 Feedback-related Negativity in Outcome Evaluation with a Deception Task
- 儿童2~7岁行为抑制性的发展 The Development of Behavioral Inhibition in Chinese Children From 2 to 7 Years of Age
- 丰富环境对脑缺血大鼠突触界面结构修饰和PSD-95基因表达的影响 The Effects of Enriched Environment on Structural Modification of Synaptic Interface and PSD-95 mRNA of Rats after Transient Focal Cerebral Ischemia
- 慢性心理应激对大鼠淋巴细胞热休克蛋白70表达和凋亡的影响 Effects of Psychological Stress on the Hsp70 Expression and Apoptosis of the Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes in Rats
- 慢性束缚应激对大鼠脑内Fas、FasL含量的影响 Effects of Chronic Immobilization Stress on the Expression of Fas/FasL in the Brain of Rats
- 结构方程模型中调节效应的标准化估计 Appropriate Standardized Estimates for Moderating Effects in Structural Equation Models
- 允许检查并修改答案的计算机化自适应测验 Research on Computerized Adaptive Testing that Allows Reviewing and Changing Answers
- 中文语境下的心理和心理学 Mind and Psychology in the Chinese Context
- 阅读潘菽 On Pan Shu