- 仿真场景下类别空间关系判断中的注意分配 The Allocation of Attention in Judgment of Categorical Spatial Relations on Simulation Scenes
- 重复启动对时序知觉的影响 The Influence of Repetition Priming on Temporal Order Perception
- 语言和文化对空间认知的影响 ——汉族和纳西族大学生空间词相似性分类的比较研究 The Effect of Language and Culture on Spatial Cognition: A Comparison of the Spatial-Terms Classification by Undergraduates of the Han and Naxi
- 读者追随目标信息建构情境模型 The Construction of the Situation Model with Goal-focus Information during Text Comprehension
- 归纳推理的抽样理论 A Sampling Theory of Inductive Reasoning
- 大学生负面身体自我认知加工偏好 Cognitive Biases among College Students with a Fat or Thin Negative Physical Self
- 不同形式的语言介入对汉语儿童心理理论发展的干预 The Training Effects of Different Linguistic Interference on Young Chinese Children’s Performance on A Theory of Mind Task
- 领导干部的人格特点与工作绩效的关系:QZPS与NEO PI-R的比较 Predicting Job Performance of Chinese Local Government Executives with QZPS and NEO PI-R
- 跨文化(中国人)个性测量表青少年版(CPAI-A)的香港标准化研究 ——兼顾文化共通性与特殊性的人格测量 Standardization of the Cross-cultural [Chinese] Personality Assessment Inventory for Adolescents in Hong Kong: A Combined Emic-Etic Approach to Personality Assessment