- 论当代中国基础教育改革的思维方式 On the Thinking Mode of Contemporary Elementary Education Reform in China
- 基础教育改革文化整合论 On the cultural Integration of basic education reform
- 中小学开设危机课程的意义与构想 Carrying out the crisis curriculum Is necessary in the phase of elementary and high school──some enlightenment based on the earthquake of wen chuan, sichuan
- 论教育叙事研究中的两类主体间关系 On the Relationships Between the Two Kinds of Subjects in Educational Narrative Research
- 让孩子在融合共生中主动发展 Let Child Develop Initiatively in a Symbiotic and Integrated Situation
- 跨层组合,提升生命自觉 Ascending conscious life by cooperation between different learning hierarchy
- 灾后教育重建中生存教育的回归 On regression of existence education of educational reconstruction after the earthquake
- 基于资源的梳理和利用的动态生成透析 The dialysis of dynamic creation based on the pectination and using of resource
- 论义务教育阶段的教育选择权与教育公平 On the educational option and the educational fairness in compulsory
- 委托管理与择校问题的消解——以上海市金山区L中学为例 How possibly dispels: the enlightenment which the mandatory administration pattern brings for select school──take the shanghai Jinshan area l middle school as example
- “还生命以过程”理念下的学校素质教育推进策略 On the strategy of Implement the education for all-round development in the Idea of “bring life back in Its process”
- 提升学校核心竞争力的思考与实践——以上海市育才中学为例 Strategic choices of Improving the core competitiveness of secondary school──a case of shanghai yucai middle school
- 自我超越:中小学教师发展的生命哲思 Self-transcendence: life philosophical thinking of the development of primary and secondary school teachers
- 基于合作教研的教师专业发展:问题与对策 Problems and strategies: teacher professional development based on Co-Teaching and Research
- 京族学校教育发展的现状、困境与对策 The status quo, problems and solutions of jing tribe's education development