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並列篇名 | Implications of Confucius’ Ideal Regarding Personal Character in Aesthetic Experiences for Ethical Education |
作者 | 何佳瑞 |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在深入分析孔子如何在詩、禮、樂的體驗中形成美善合一的人格理想,揭示其美感經驗與道德修養的交融發展,以為現代人格教育提供啟示,並通過藝術的途徑促進倫理教育的發展。在方法上,本文由「興於詩、立於禮、成於樂」這個命題出發,一方面闡釋孔子對立身、成德、成人之道的看法,另一方面也表述出一個人人格完善的進程。「成於樂」一語,暗示了完美人格的最高境界與藝術美感有著深刻而密切的關係。據此,本文針對孔子個人的美感經驗進行分析,揭示孔子本人在美感與道德修養方面同步發展的經驗。這種經驗孕育了孔子哲學對於美善關係的看法,形成了他美善合一之人格理想的根源。孔子從此一特定的、美善交融的領域出發,提出了關於完美人格所展現的理想特徵,包括了「文質彬彬」及「中和之美」。本文發現,孔子美善統一、美善相樂的人格理想將可為倫理教育帶來一些新的啟示。以藝術精神融入倫理教育,不僅能夠強化受教者在「情志」上的薰陶,更能夠以中行、中和之美來帶動倫理學習,使倫理實踐成為一種樂在其中的實踐,從而開展出美與善之跨領域整合的教育趨勢。 |
英文摘要 | This study analyzed how Confucius developed his ideal regarding the unity of beauty and goodness, with aesthetic experiences with poetry, rites, and music enabling moral cultivation. This study provides insights that can guide the implementation of modern ethical education and the promotion of an ethical education through an artistic approach. This study focused on the following proposition made by Confucius: “It is by the odes that the mind is aroused. It is by the rules of propriety that the character is established. It is from music that the completion [of personality] is received.” This proposition highlights Confucius’ perspective on self-cultivation, ethical development, and the process of becoming a complete person. It also illustrates his views on developing a well-rounded personality. This study examined Confucius’ personal aesthetic experiences, revealing how he simultaneously developed through these aesthetic experiences and ethical cultivation. Confucius’ aesthetic experiences shaped his philosophical understanding of the relationship between beauty and goodness, forming the basis for his ideal regarding the unity of beauty and goodness in personality. Confucius discusses the interplay between beauty and goodness, proposing that an ideal personality is one with “solid qualities and refinement equally blended” and “moderation and harmony.” The findings of this study suggest that Confucius’ ideal regarding the unity of beauty and goodness in personality can offer valuable insights for ethical education. Ethical education involving cultivation of an artistic spirit can positively influence emotions, willpower, and motivations and leverage the beauty of moderation and harmony to drive ethical learning. It renders ethical practices enjoyable, initiating a cross disciplinary integration of beauty and goodness in education. |
起訖頁 | 043-075 |
關鍵詞 | 人格、中和、孔子、美感經驗、倫理教育、personality、harmony、Confucius、aesthetic experience、ethical education |
刊名 | 教育學刊 |
期數 | 202412 (63期) |
出版單位 | 國立高雄師範大學教育學系 |
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