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並列篇名 | Hindsight in Storytelling: Narrative, Moral Identity, and Character Education |
作者 | 陳伊琳 |
中文摘要 | 本文始於對當前品德教育被過度簡化為只是德行陶養的批評,主張應更全面考慮品德的完整性和個殊化。為此,道德認同的概念至關重要。本文進一步探討道德認同的測量與發展問題,指出現有的測量工具常陷入將整體分解為部分的理論困境,未能涵蓋道德認同的核心結構性特徵,如能動性、連貫性和一致性。為此,研究者借鑒Tappan和Brown的敘事取徑,以及Freeman的敘事反省與後見之明的理念,提出敘事方法能增進道德認同的發展,並作為評量工具。透過敘事反省所達致的後見之明,以及相伴的情緒衍生物,諸如羞恥、罪惡、滿足感等,一則可強化個人的道德認同,二則可作為促成真實道德轉變的催化劑。相關研究顯示,道德認同早在兒童中期(8∼12歲)或青少年期即開始形成,因此建議教育工作者在此一階段應特別注意培養學生的道德認同。這是透過鼓勵學生反省並敘說己身的道德故事,使其有機會深入檢視與理解自己的道德過去,繼而明確自己最珍視的道德價值與排序。本文雖為哲學思辨性質,主要關切的卻是實際的教育問題。敘事取向的實際操作可參考附錄中Tappan和Brown的訪談大綱,作為教師在課堂中引導學生進行道德故事敘說或寫作的指引。至於敘事取向的實施成效則有待未來實徵研究予以驗證。 |
英文摘要 | This paper first presents a critique of the oversimplified view of contemporary character education, which has reduced it merely to the cultivation of virtues. The paper argues for a more comprehensive consideration of the integrity and individuality of character. Therefore, the concept of moral identity is crucial. The paper further explores the measurement and development of moral identity; it indicates that existing measurement tools often fall into the theoretical trap of decomposing the whole into parts, thereby failing to include the core structural features of moral identity, such as agency, coherence, and consistency. To address this shortcoming, the researcher draws upon Tappan and Brown’s narrative approach, as well as Freeman’s concepts of narrative reflection and hindsight, to propose that narrative methods can serve as a means to enhance the development of moral identity and as an assessment tool. Individuals can strengthen their moral identity and catalyze real moral transformations through narrative reflection and the associated emotional residues such as shame, guilt, and satisfaction. Studies have indicated that moral identity begins to form as early as middle childhood (8–12 years old) or adolescence. Hence, educators should focus on fostering moral identity during this developmental stage; this involves encouraging students to reflect on and narrate their own moral stories, which can enable them to deeply examine and reflect on their moral past, thereby clarifying their most cherished moral values and their prioritization. Although this paper is philosophical in nature, its primary concern lies in practical educational issues. The practical implementation of narrative approaches can be guided by the interview outlines provided by Tappan and Brown in the appendix, guiding teachers in facilitating moral story narration or writing in classrooms. The effectiveness of implementing narrative approaches remains to be validated through future empirical research. |
起訖頁 | 001-041 |
關鍵詞 | 品德教育、後見之明、道德認同、敘事、德行、character education、hindsight、moral identity、narrative、virtue |
刊名 | 教育學刊 |
期數 | 202412 (63期) |
出版單位 | 國立高雄師範大學教育學系 |
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