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並列篇名 | Evaluating the Effectiveness of Grant Programs for Disadvantaged Students on Academic Performance: Findings from Administrative Data |
作者 | 楊家瑜 |
中文摘要 | 政府積極推動扶弱助學政策,投注經費及資源,是否可有效提升經濟文化不利學生的學習表現,係值得探究之議題。本研究從學校層級觀點,運用學生在校期間的行政資料,藉由補助結果(即金額高低)初步了解弱勢助學金政策的效益。研究分析結果指出:一、弱勢助學金政策未實質減少學生校內工讀時數;二、對於低補助、中補助額度學生的必修成績表現似有正向關聯,但囿於資料取得尚無法進一步確認其他可能的中介因素,如個人特質、心理層面等;三、高補助額度學生申請延長修業年限的機率顯著高於一般生;至於學期成績是否曾二分之一不及格的情形,與一般生比較,皆無顯著的差異;顯見此項政策未能直接證實對於學期成績被二一或延畢情形具有顯著效益。另一個值得探討的現象,即社經文化不利學生積極參與校內工讀的機會,但普遍卻未因此影響其必修成績表現。 |
英文摘要 | Policymakers across countries have been promoting grant programs for socio-economically disadvantaged students to reduce learning disparities, aiming to increase social mobility. Whether the invested capitals and resources can effectively promote academic performance is worthy of investigation. This study utilizes administrative data together with figures on grants for disadvantaged students to evaluate the effectiveness of government policies. The study yields three implications. First, grant programs generally have less effect in reducing students’ engagement in part-time jobs. Second, there is a positive correlation between grant amounts the academic performance of low and middle grant groups in required courses, although this may be influenced by intervening variables such as personalities or psychological factors beyond the study’s scope. Third, high grant groups are more likely to delay graduation than average, while there is no significant difference in flunking rates between disadvantaged and regular students. Additionally, socio-economically disadvantaged students are inclined to seek and participate in on-campus part-time jobs, which generally do not detrimentally affect their performance in required courses. |
起訖頁 | 039-068 |
關鍵詞 | 弱勢助學、高教公共性、經濟文化不利學生、需求性補償、學習表現、grant programs、higher education publicity、socio-economically disadvantaged students、need-bases aid、academic performance |
刊名 | 高等教育 |
期數 | 202406 (19:1期) |
出版單位 | 台灣高等教育學會 |
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