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並列篇名 | A Study on the Work Values of Generation Z |
作者 | 劉世閔、林信志、趙珮晴、林思伶、莊俊儒 |
中文摘要 | 本研究之主要目的係調查Z世代工作價值觀,再根據結果建議相關單位設計適合Z世代的人才培育方法。研究方法上採用混合研究設計,先以焦點團體訪談法進行50位受訪者之質性資料蒐集,並依此設計調查問卷,再以問卷調查法蒐集999位受試者之量化資料。最後綜合質性與量化之結果,研究發現:與過去世代有顯著不同,Z世代在職場忠誠度上更顯靈活,重視外在報酬、內在滿足和生活平衡。其次,影響其工作價值觀的主要因素包括個人內在滿足、工作外在報酬和企業社會形象。尤其,Z世代認為工作外在報酬是最重要的影響因素。此外,Z世代強調個人權益,厭惡權威,並展現高度流動性,不畏懼轉換工作。值得注意的是,在不同領域中,科技類科Z世代對個人內在滿足的需求較低,可能反映出對物質與心靈價值的不同取向。 |
英文摘要 | The main purpose of this study is to investigate the work values of Generation Z and to propose talent development methods tailored for Generation Z based on the findings. The research adopts a mixed-method design. First, qualitative data were collected from 50 respondents using focus group interviews. Based on these findings, a survey questionnaire was designed, and quantitative data were then collected from 999 respondents using the survey method. Integrating both qualitative and quantitative results, the study found that Generation Z exhibits significantly different work values compared to previous generations. Generation Z shows greater flexibility in workplace loyalty, values external rewards, internal satisfaction, and work-life balance. Key factors influencing their work values include personal internal satisfaction, external work rewards, and corporate social image. Particularly, Generation Z views external work rewards as the most crucial factor. Additionally, Generation Z emphasizes individual rights, dislikes authority, and demonstrates high mobility, not fearing job changes. Notably, in different fields, Generation Z in technology-related areas shows lower demand for personal internal satisfaction, possibly reflecting different orientations toward material and spiritual values. |
起訖頁 | 001-038 |
關鍵詞 | Z世代年輕人、工作價值觀、Generation Z、work values |
刊名 | 高等教育 |
期數 | 202406 (19:1期) |
出版單位 | 台灣高等教育學會 |
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