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並列篇名 | The Global Development of Higher Education Micocredentials and the Case of Australia |
作者 | 鈕方頤 |
中文摘要 | 在全球環境和技術的迅速變遷下,微型證書(microcredentials)在高等教育和勞動市場上日益受到關注。政府對技能培訓的重視、科技的進步,以及疫情的影響,在在促使微型證書的興起,以填補勞動市場技能需求的不足,並實現聯合國永續發展目標和2030年教育願景。許多國家積極投資發展微型證書系統,以縮短高等教育機構人才培養和就業市場所需技能之差距。澳洲政府投入資金建立全國微型證書平台,並透過資歷架構和微型證書架構,整合學習方式及並確立微型證書的定義和品質標準,以促進學分轉換和品質保障。微型證書在全球高等教育中扮演著關鍵作用,其靈活性、實用性、可堆疊性以及可移植性,為學習者和職場提供靈活、目標導向的學習和認證機會,並促進教育領域的創新和發展與提升穩固的市場勞動力。 |
英文摘要 | Microcredentials are gaining increasing attention in both higher education and the labor market due to rapid changes in the job landscape and advancements in technology. To address the impact of the pandemic, ease the skills gap in the labor market and achieve sustainable development goals set by the United Nations and the 2030 education vision, governments worldwide are investing in the development of microcredential systems. Australia has established a national microcredentials platform and the National Microcredentials Framework, ensuring the definition and quality assurance of microcredentials and how they can be integrated into current qualifications. Microcredentials play a critical role in global higher education, offering flexible, goal-oriented learning and verification of competencies and skills for learners and the workforce. Their flexible, practical, stackable, and portable features contribute to fostering innovation and development in education and enhancing a stable workforce in the market. |
起訖頁 | 107-122 |
關鍵詞 | 技能落差、高等教育、終身學習、微型證書、skills gap、higher education、lifelong learning、microcredential |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202407 (363期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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