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並列篇名 | High-Leverage Core Teaching Practices of Teacher Education and the Assessment of Relative Importance and Self-Efficacy by Taiwanese Interns |
作者 | 賴光真、張民杰、袁薏淳 |
中文摘要 | 實務導向師資培育受到重視與倡議。本研究透過美國教育測驗服務社(Educational Testing Service, ETS)提出的高槓桿實務,以及密西根州教育廳(Michigan Department of Education, MDE)提出的核心教學實務,探討高槓桿核心教學實務的定義與項目,並了解我國教育實習生對教學實務項目重要程度之見解以及自我效能評估。研究發現,高槓桿核心教學實務的定義係指初任教師必須具備和精熟,並且邊際效益最大,能得到較大乘數,以勝任廣泛教學任務的常用重要實務項目。整合ETS與MDE之研究,可歸納13項高槓桿核心教學實務。我國實習生認為此13項均有其常用性與重要性,但重要程度排序與ETS和MDE有差異。實習生對大多數高槓桿核心教學實務表達自信,與其他研究指出初任教師教學實務知能不足之觀點有所歧異。此外,實習生對高槓桿核心教學實務的重視程度與自我效能評估之間只有低度正相關。基於研究發現,本研究建議研訂本土的高槓桿核心教學實務,制定教育各層面的高槓桿核心實務,參考高槓桿核心實務朝向實務導向師資培育進行轉型調適,但也要把握實務導向師資培育應理論與實務兼重的真諦。 |
英文摘要 | Practical-based teacher education has received attention and advocacy. This study explores the definition and components of high-leverage core teaching practices through the high-leverage practices proposed by the Educational Testing Service (ETS) and the core teaching practices proposed by the Michigan Department of Education (MDE). This study also seeks to understand the perceptions of Taiwanese teacher interns regarding the importance of teaching practice components and their self-efficacy. The research findings indicate that high-leverage core teaching practices refer to commonly used and important practices that novice teachers must possess and master to effectively handle various teaching tasks with maximum marginal benefits and substantial multiplicative effects. By integrating the research from ETS and MDE, a set of 13 high-leverage core teaching practices was identified. Taiwanese teacher interns consider all 13 practices to be commonly used and important, but with a different ranking of importance as suggested by ETS and MDE. Interns express confidence in most of the high-leverage core teaching practices, which contradicts the perspective that novice teachers lack teaching practice knowledge, as indicated by other studies. Furthermore, no correlation was observed between the interns’ assessment of the importance of high-leverage core teaching practices and their self-efficacy assessment. Based on the research findings, this study suggests the development of high-leverage core practices of teaching and other aspects specific to Taiwan’s education system. Additionally, it is recommended to gradually implement high-leverage core practices as part of practical-oriented teacher education. However, it is important to note that practical-oriented teacher education should simultaneously emphasize both theory and practice. |
起訖頁 | 082-106 |
關鍵詞 | 核心教學實務、高槓桿實務、教育實習生、實務導向師資培育、core teaching practices、high-leverage practices、teacher interns、practical-based teacher education |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202407 (363期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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