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並列篇名 | The Should-be, and Ought-to-be Interdisciplinary of Educational Field: I Have Been on the Way of Practicing “Mixed” |
作者 | 李淑菁 |
中文摘要 | 教育本身即具備跨領域的特性,而教育本然就應該是跨領域的。早期教育研究發展的過程中取用一些基礎學門(foundation disciplines)的理論與訓練,例如心理學、社會學、哲學、歷史學等,特別是在1960年代,這些基礎學門成為當時教育研究關鍵文本的重心取徑。然而,隨著各學術「專業」領域築起高牆造成的知識碎片化,教育領域也產生學術發展的瓶頸。本文從個人學習經驗出發,敘說一個從無疆界開始的學術探尋之旅,如何從一個學術領域疆界較寬鬆的系所出發,爾後工作的跨界、跨學術如何開始返深/身教育研究,並以身如度地體會八百年歷史的劍橋大學學院制度中的自然混融(intermingle),以及林林總總自然而然的跨領域設置。文中並以性別教育、多元文化教育與政策社會學作為教育跨領域的三個實例進行說明,最後再次拉回教育現場,闡明跨領域在臺灣教育界的不被理解、困境,最終以國立政治大學X實驗學院的高等教育跨領域新嘗試作為一個未來可能性的實例。 |
英文摘要 | Education has interdisciplinary characteristics in nature, which should be, and ought to be interdisciplinary. The early development of educational research has retrieved theories and training from some of the foundation disciplines, such as psychology, sociology, philosophy, history, etc. Especially, in the 1960s, these foundation disciplines were the key scholarship orientations for educational research at that time. However, with the fragmentation of knowledge caused by the emerging barriers of academic field “specialization”, the development of educational research encountered obstacles. This article starts from personal learning experiences and narrates a journey of academic inquiry that began without boundaries. The article illustrates how the journey started from a department with loose boundaries in academic fields, and then how it began to return to in-depth/personal education research through cross-border experiences in work, academic research, and the natural intermingling and various interdisciplinary settings in the 800-year-old University of Cambridge college system. The article also uses gender education, multicultural education, and policy sociology as three examples to demonstrate the interdisciplinary practice in the field of educational studies. Then, it returns to the education scene to clarify the misunderstanding and dilemma of interdisciplinary in Taiwan’s education sectors. Finally, I use the Xperimental College’s new interdisciplinary attempts in higher education at National Chengchi University as an example to shed light on future possibilities. |
起訖頁 | 004-017 |
關鍵詞 | 政大X實驗學院、教育、跨領域、劍橋大學、Xperimental College NCCU、education、interdisciplinary、University of Cambridge |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202407 (363期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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| 跨域學習課程與未來職場能量關係之探究 |