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並列篇名 | An Approach Towards Deepening the Cultivation of Life Education for Pre-Service Teachers: Reclaiming the Beginner’s Mindset of Teacher of Humans |
作者 | 劉育忠 |
中文摘要 | 本文引介美國學者P. J. Palmer的「人師初心」概念,以重申教師內在自我與生命覺知在優質教育及教學精進上的重要性,並透過爬梳G. Biesta對「主體化」的教育目的之探討,以及分享筆者自身在人文師學實踐探索中所發展的「行走思考」與「學習圈對話」之作法,試圖作為師資培育生命教育的主體化發展徑路之參照,協助師資生關注自我技藝的主體能動性。 本文中,筆者首先針對敘說在教師專業發展中所具有的價值與意義,進行分析討論,繼之透過梳理筆者自身所發展之「人文師學/人文教育學」實踐經驗,尤其是以生命敘說來召回優質教師培育關鍵的「教學我」之意識覺醒與具體作法,協助師資生持續深化「成為自己」的「主體化」辯證技藝,拾回「人師初心」,提供師資培育深化生命教育路徑的參照。 |
英文摘要 | This paper is intended to introduce the concept of “the heart of a teacher” proposed by the American scholar P. J. Palmer to reaffirm the significance of teachers’ inner selves and life awareness in the enhancement of quality education and teaching. Through an analysis of G. Biesta’s discourse about the “subjectification” as an educational purpose, and the researcher’s experience of actualizing humanistic pedagogy by means of exploration of the practices of “thinking with walking” and “dialogue of learning circle”, it is an attempt to serve as the reference for the development of subjectification of life education in teacher education, and to help pre-service teachers to care their agency in terms of technologies of self. In this paper, the researcher firstly tries to discuss the values and significance of narrative for the teachers’ professional development, to offer the possible methodologies for cultivating and refining the consciousness of the “teaching self,” which is crucial for quality teaching and teacher education, by reviewing the researcher’s exploration of actualizing humanistic pedagogy. It is attempted in this paper to assist pre-service teachers in continual dialectics of “becoming oneself” to reclaim “the heart of a teacher,” as the reference for initiating the approach towards the subjectification of life education in teacher education. |
起訖頁 | 029-054 |
關鍵詞 | 生命教育、師資培育、生命敘說、人文師學/人文教育學、life education、teacher education、life narrative、humanistic pedagogy |
刊名 | 生命教育研究 |
期數 | 202406 (16:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣大學生命教育研發育成中心;社團法人台灣生命教育學會 |
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