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並列篇名 | Educational Concerns of Inquiry Teaching: A Study on the Amherst Curriculum Project |
作者 | 鍾鴻銘 |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在運用歷史研究法探討新社會科運動中的安默斯特課程方案,一個旨在變革美國史課程與教學的改革計畫。安默斯特方案認為歷史並非僅是知識的集合體,更是一種探究。也因此,探究的學習理論成為方案的理論基礎。此方案以確立歷史的普遍性問題作為編製課程單元的起始,再根據此問題蒐羅歷史材料編製成課程單元。課程材料僅是學習的資材,學生探究所得才是課程內容。安默斯特方案採模組化課程設計,教師可從眾多課程單元中選擇想要的單元,安插進其學程中使用。安默斯特方案認為學生如同歷史學者,是主動的探究者。教師除助長學生探究學習外,自身亦是探究者。將直接與間接史料當作課程材料,是安默斯特方案的重要特色。文末則是依據安默斯特方案的特色,省思臺灣的課程改革,並提出一些建議。 |
英文摘要 | This article uses historical research to explore the Amherst Curriculum Project within the context of the new social studies movement, a reform program aiming at revolutionizing the curriculum and the teaching of American History. Inquiry learning theory became the theoretical basis of the Amherst Project because the project saw history not mere as bodies of knowledge but as an inquiry. The Amherst Project started with the universal problems of history, compiling curriculum units based on historical materials. Curriculum materials were only materials for learning, and the curriculum content was what students learned through the inquiry process. The Amherst Project adopted a modular curriculum design, allowing teachers to select specific units from these curriculum units and integrate them into their courses. The students acted as historians and active inquirers. Both teachers and students were encouraged to inquire learning based on direct and indirect historical sources. Finally, this article reflects on Taiwan’s curriculum reform in light of the characteristics of the Amherst Project, offering suggestions for improvement. |
起訖頁 | 037-074 |
關鍵詞 | 安默斯特方案、原初材料、探究、新社會科、歷史教育、Amherst Project、raw materials、inquiry、new social studies、history education |
刊名 | 教育研究集刊 |
期數 | 202403 (70:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系 |
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