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並列篇名 | Teaching Practice Through Disability Social Work Curriculum with Service Learning |
作者 | 陳美智 |
中文摘要 | 運用服務學習融入課程的教學策略,透過身心障礙領域實務場域的學習經驗,本課程試圖引導學生透過經驗探索、反思及學習,而不是單向的傳授與灌輸,藉此具體內化社會工作的價值觀和原則。服務學習合作單位包括心智障礙、視障、肢體障礙等提供身心障礙服務的機構,活動安排以直接服務中的團體社會工作實務活動為主。主要研究問題為身心障礙社會工作課程如何融入服務學習策略、了解此一教學策略的成效與影響、不足之處與教學限制,作為教學規劃改進的依據。研究方法為焦點團體與內容分析法。內容分析法運用服務學習反思心得日誌、期末報告、回饋單等作業報告進行內容分析。研究結果發現,透過安排學生參與相關團體活動並依活動型態肩負部分任務,有助於翻轉根深柢固的身心障礙標籤與烙印、提升學習動機,並藉由微觀的實務經驗連結宏觀的理論及對社會問題之結構原因的反思批判能力,同時亦透過參與專業人員帶領的支持團體活動,學習帶領團體的溝通互動技巧與敏感度。最後,本研究亦歸納有成效的服務學習方式之條件與教學反思。 |
英文摘要 | In this study, a teaching strategy involving service learning rather than unilateral teaching and indoctrination was employed to guide students through experiential learning scenarios related to the field of physical and mental disabilities. This study was conducted to facilitate students’ internalization of social work values and principles. Students engaged in service-learning group social work and direct service activities at organizations focusing on visual impairments, intellectual disabilities, and physical disabilities. The core research questions were how service-learning strategies could be effectively incorporated into social work courses that would address disability and how the efficacy and influence of this teaching strategy, as well as its limitations and implications, could be assessed to further enhance teaching planning. Focus groups and content analysis were used as research methodologies, with content analysis applied to students’ reflection logs of their service-learning experiences, end-of-term reports, feedback forms, and other assignments. The results indicate that involving the students in group activities and assigning them specific responsibilities on the basis of the type of activity enabled them to change their deep-rooted assumptions and stigmas related to physical and mental disabilities, to develop a stronger learning motivation, to connect macro theory to microlevel practical experience, and to develop their ability to reflect on and critically think about the structural causes of social problems. In addition, by participating in support group activities led by professionals, the students were able to develop the sensitivity, communication, and interaction skills required to lead groups. This study further presents a summary of the conditions and teaching reflections of effective service-learning methods. |
起訖頁 | 079-132 |
關鍵詞 | 服務學習、教學實踐研究、障礙研究、身心障礙、多元文化經驗、service-learning、teaching practice research、disability research、disability、multicultural experiences |
刊名 | 教學實踐與創新 |
期數 | 202406 (7:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺北教育大學 |
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