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並列篇名 | Integrating Mindfulness into Emotion Psychology: Teaching Practice and Reflection |
作者 | 江文慈 |
中文摘要 | 在追求速度講究效率的時代裡,緊張焦慮如影隨形,大學生面臨許多的壓力和挑戰,如何調節情緒並專注學習是重要能力。正念被認為是調節情緒的可行方法,有益心理健康,然而,有關正念融入情緒心理學課程的效益為何有待檢視。本研究在探討正念融入情緒心理學課程的教學實踐對大學生正念覺察、慈悲、感恩和情緒健康的促進效果,並進一步省思正念融入課程教學的可行性。本研究採用教學組和對照組前後測設計,研究對象包括教學組45人,對照組42人,評量工具有正念量表、感恩量表、慈悲量表、情緒健康量表、學習檔案、正念學習單等。研究結果指出:教學組學生在正念量表和感恩量表的後測得分高於對照組,但在慈悲量表和情緒健康量表上兩組則無顯著差異。另外,教學組學生在學習心得中提及正念學習提供了新鮮且深刻的體驗,有助於覺察身心、專注當下、接納自己,以及擴展感恩視野,顯示正念融入情緒心理學的教學實踐促進了大學生的正念覺察和感恩心。最後,本研究進行教學省思並提出建議,大學教師若欲將正念融入課程教學需要周詳地規劃,熟稔正念的引導並靈活實施,設計引發學習興趣的正念體驗活動,同時提供具體的練習方法和日常實踐作業,讓正念得以在生活中應用、落實與扎根。 |
英文摘要 | University students often encounter major pressures and challenges related to living in an era of prioritizing speed and efficiency. Therefore, they must learn to regulate emotions and maintain focus on learning. Mindfulness can improve emotion regulation and mental health. However, the effectiveness of integrating mindfulness training into emotion psychology courses remains to be explored. This study investigated whether integrating mindfulness practices into emotion psychology courses can enhance university students’ mindful awareness, compassion, gratitude, and emotional health and determined the feasibility of teaching mindfulness in future academic settings. A pretest and posttest design was adopted, with an experimental group of 45 participants and a control group of 42 participants. The results indicate that the experimental group had higher post-test scores on the mindfulness and gratitude scales than the control group, although no significant differences were observed on the compassion and emotional health scales. Students in the experimental group reported that learning about mindfulness provided them with a novel and profound experience, which helped them enhance their self-awareness, focus on the present moment, accept themselves, and adopt perspectives of gratitude. These findings indicate that this teaching practice can foster mindfulness awareness and gratitude among students. Integrating mindfulness into academic courses requires conscientious planning and execution. Teachers should gain a deep understanding of the principles of mindfulness. They should also carefully design and implement experiential activities and provide their students with practical techniques and daily exercises to assist them in applying mindfulness in their daily lives. |
起訖頁 | 041-077 |
關鍵詞 | 正念、覺察、感恩、情緒調節、mindfulness、awareness、gratitude、emotion regulation |
刊名 | 教學實踐與創新 |
期數 | 202406 (7:1期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺北教育大學 |
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