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並列篇名 | Guidance and Counseling in Colleges and Universities in Taiwan: Challenges and Perspectives |
作者 | 陳斐娟 |
中文摘要 | 本文旨在探討臺灣大專校院諮商輔導工作歷經超過60年之發展,輔導工作現況、挑戰與展望。本文採文獻分析法與文件分析,以學生輔導法為依歸,依三級輔導機制、輔導組織定位與資源人力配置,以及績效評估與自我改善機制等三面向探討,並提出如下展望:(1)大專校院諮輔單位之專業形象與組織定位、角色功能宜再定義與明確化;(2)建立校園生態系統合作模式,型塑正向輔導氛圍,共同推動三級輔導工作;(3)建立資料庫或大數據平台,以利掌握現況資訊及趨勢脈動。(4)在績效展現部分,宜結合校務研究建立證據導向與持續改善機制之校本輔導工作特色與品保系統;(5)發展嚴謹、具公信力之諮商輔導認證機制。(6)同時為因應與日俱增之輔導工作需求與挑戰負荷,宜提升區域平台之功能,確保輔導工作品質與效能;(7)網路及後疫情時代宜善用科技,使諮商輔導工作與時俱進。
英文摘要 | This study aimed to explore the development, implications, challenges, and prospects of counseling work at Taiwan’s colleges and universities for more than 60 years. This study employed the literature analysis and document analysis methods to explore the current situation and challenges from three aspects of counseling, namely organizational position and manpower allocation, three levels of guidance and counseling and transition mechanism, and performance evaluation and self-improvement mechanism. It anticipated the following prospects: redefine and clarify the professional image and organizational position and role and function of guidance and counseling units in colleges and universities. Additionally, according to the comprehensive professional definition and by integrating the division of work, a campus ecological system based on a cooperation model should be established, fostering a positive counseling image and collectively promoting the three levels of guidance and counseling. It is recommended that government or academic organizations establish a database or big data platform to acquire current information and trends to expand and improve guidance and counseling work. Regarding performance, it is advisable to incorporate institutional research to establish an evidence-oriented and continuous improvement mechanism for school-based counseling characteristics and quality assurance systems and develop an authentic and rigorous guidance and counseling credential-awarded mechanism. Guidance and counseling professional associations should promote effectiveness evaluation, performance presentation, and counseling work quality assurance system of each school, broadening the implications and scope of colleges and universities’ counseling. Simultaneously, to cope with the ever-increasing needs and challenges of counseling, it is advisable to enhance the functions of the regional platform to ensure the quality and effectiveness of counseling work. Guidance and counseling in the post-epidemic era should be integrated with emerging technologies to develop technological consultation work that can align with current trends.
起訖頁 | 001-036 |
關鍵詞 | 大專院校、諮商輔導、專輔人員、Colleges and universities、guidance and counseling、professional counselors |
刊名 | 中華輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 202401 (69期) |
出版單位 | 台灣輔導與諮商學會 |
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