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並列篇名 | The Evaluation on Learning Motivation in Bilingual Class: ACT Mode |
作者 | 莊信賢、曾秀雲、林加振、林惟萱 |
中文摘要 | 為因應2030雙語政策,研究者提出活化思考的雙語教學架構(ACT),欲幫助第一線教育人員架構雙語課程。研究者採單一組前、後測的前實驗設計,深入了解小學與中學以ACT模式為架構的雙語教學學習效果,共回收有效問卷308份(國小高年級158份,國中150份)。本研究發現:一、以ACT模式為架構的雙語教學可提升國小或國中學生的學習動機,尤其國小學生對於雙語學習價值重要性具明顯的改變效果,執行意志的改變效果亦明顯高於國中學生。二、以ACT模式為架構的雙語教學可提升學生對雙語的學習投入;無論是國小學生或是國中學生,以ACT模式為架構的雙語教學介入後,學生對雙語學習投入程度明顯高於介入前。三、學生雙語學習動機愈高,其投入程度也愈高;雙語學習動機的改變效果愈高,投入程度改變效果也愈高。尤其是學生雙語學習動機的情感改變愈正向,愈能解釋學生雙語學習投入程度的改變。 |
英文摘要 | To catch up with the 2030 bilingual policy, the researcher provided ACT mode to help the teachers construct their bilingual curriculum. One-group pretest-posttest design was capitalized on to understand the effects of bilingual curriculum under the ACT mode in the elementary and junior high schools. 308 valid questionnaires were retrieved (158 from the highest graders in the elementary school and 150 from the junior high school). The results are: 1. The ACT mode can increase the students’ learning motivation both in the elementary school and in the junior high school, especially in the elementary school. The results on the importance of receiving bilingual education and on the executive volition in the elementary school are more obvious than those in the junior high school. 2. The ACT mode helps students involve themselves in the bilingual class both in the elementary and junior high schools. 3. Students with higher learning motivation participate in the bilingual class more. If students increase their learning motivation after approaching the ACT mode, they participate in the bilingual class more. Meanwhile, if the students’ affection becomes more positive after the ACT mode, they participate in the bilingual class more. |
起訖頁 | 105-128 |
關鍵詞 | 活化思考的雙語教學架構、雙語學習、學習成效、學習動機、ACT mode for bilingual education、bilingual learning、learning effects、learning motivation |
刊名 | 教育研究月刊 |
期數 | 202308 (352期) |
出版單位 | 高等教育出版公司 |
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