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並列篇名 | Role of Grit in Moderating the Effect of Fear of COVID-19 |
作者 | 熊師瑤、張宥沁 |
中文摘要 | 近年COVID-19疫情對全球社會已造成重大影響,個體易因對疫情發展感到威脅與對未來具有不確定性等因素產生恐懼情緒,進而造成後續負向情緒與認知影響,增加焦慮情緒與反芻思考,並降低心理彈性,特別是針對青年學子。然而,正向特質恆毅力具有調節效果,可終止此負向影響效果。本研究目的在建構COVID-19恐懼情緒對個體的影響效果中介模型,並以恆毅力及其子向度為調節變項,探討影響效果。研究採用調查法,於臺灣疫情高峰期間,邀請321位大學生與研究生完成線上問卷調查,包含COVID-19恐懼情緒量表、焦慮量表、反芻思考量表、心理彈性量表與恆毅力量表,以結構方程式模型檢驗中介效果模型,並以Process檢驗調節效果。研究結果顯示:女性、一般大專校院學生焦慮情緒較高,大學生反芻思考高於研究生。COVID-19恐懼情緒引起焦慮情緒,進而引發反芻思考,並降低心理彈性,為完全中介模型。恆毅力及熱情子向度具有反芻思考與心理彈性之間的調節作用。文末提出未來教育發展與心理輔導具體建議。 |
英文摘要 | The global coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has created major mental health challenges. The uncertainties posed by the pandemic can generate fear that becomes a chronic burden, leading to negative emotions and cognition, increased anxiety and rumination, and reduced psychological flexibility, especially among young students. The main purposes of this study were to explore the associations among these variables and to discuss their influence on individuals. Notably, studies have revealed that the positive personality grit can disrupt this pattern. Data were collected through convenience sampling, and an online survey (N = 321) was conducted to obtain measurements of fear, anxiety, rumination, psychological flexibility, and grit. Structural equation modeling and PROCESS regression analysis were performed to test a fear-of COVID-19 model and assess the moderating effects of grit on this model. The results are as follows: female students and university students were more anxious than male and military cadets, respectively; undergraduates ruminated more relative to graduate students; fear of COVID-19 was positively correlated with anxiety and led to rumination and, ultimately, decreased psychological flexibility. Grit and grit-CI reduced the negative effect of rumination on psychological flexibility, but grit-PE did not significantly moderate this effect. Finally, the practical implications of education and psychotherapy were discussed. |
起訖頁 | 045-081 |
關鍵詞 | COVID-19恐懼情緒、反芻思考、心理彈性、恆毅力、焦慮情緒、fear of COVID-19、rumination、psychological flexibility、grit、anxiety |
刊名 | 教育與心理研究 |
期數 | 202212 (45:4期) |
出版單位 | 國立政治大學教育學院 |
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| COVID-19疫情期間大學生資訊素養、學習態度與自我導向學習之階層線性模式分析 |