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並列篇名 | Spiritual Care during Care Process – From Former Family Caregiver Perspectives |
作者 | 邱惠茹、李孟芬 |
中文摘要 | 從擔任起家庭照顧者開始,即面臨生命中重大衝擊、改變及抉擇。許多家庭照顧者彷彿按下生命的暫停鍵,自己角色逐漸消失在照顧路上。本研究探討畢業照顧者從照顧歷程到責任終了後,靈性關懷介入對其照顧歷程的影響。以質性研究半結構式深度訪談進行資料蒐集,研究對象為曾擔任家庭主要照顧者至少1年以上,且結束照顧責任1~3年者。共訪問6位畢業照顧者,性別各半,年齡在23~61歲之間,5位基督徒及1位一般民間信仰者。訪談大綱經專家效度確認,訪談逐字稿以紮根理論分析。結果顯示家庭照顧者的照顧價值觀及生命反思隨著照顧歷程不斷變化,照顧歷程的靈性挑戰與悲傷歷程相似。提供靈性關懷可參考3R原則。家庭照顧者內在的自我靈性照顧深深連結於個人的信仰信念或社會規範中,是重要的復原因子。建議家庭照顧者本身要能主動向外與他人連結,向內接納自我,向人與至高者敞開心靈的通道;親友對家庭照顧者的靈性關懷,需持續至其結束照顧責任後。日常主動陪伴、連結與提供必要的支援,能預防其因失落而放棄生存意志。專業助人者在提供靈性關懷時,應視家庭照顧者為獨立需被關懷的個體;本研究並提出未來研究建議。
英文摘要 | Being the main family caregiver means their lives are facing major impacts, changes, and choices throughout the entire caring process. Many family caregivers seem to press the pause button of their lives, and part-take in a completely different way of life. The purpose of the study is to explore the impact of spiritual care intervention on the care process of former primary family caregivers from the care process to the end of their responsibilities. Data collection was used semi-structured in-depth interviews. The subjects had taken the role as a primary family caregiver at least one year and had subsequently ended their responsibility for a minimum of one to a maximum of three years. Six former primary family caregivers were interviewed, among whose gender was equally distributed. Ages ranged from 23 to 61 years old. Five cases come from Christian background and one from traditional folk belief. The validity of the interview outline was agreed upon by experts. The interview scripts are analysed with grounded theory. The results show how care values and life reflections are constantly changing along with the care process. The spiritual challenge during of the care process is similar to the five stages of the grieving process. To provide spiritual care, one can refer to the 3R principles. The inner self-spiritual care of the family caregivers is deeply connected to the individual’s beliefs or social norms, and is an important resiliency factor. The family caregivers are encouraged to actively build connections outwardly, make peace with themselves inwardly, and open up their spirit to receive help from people and God. The spiritual care of relatives and friends for family caregivers are suggested to last beyond the end of the care. Daily active companionship, connection and provision of necessary support can prevent the caregivers from giving up their will to survive due to loss. When professional helpers provide spiritual care, they should treat family caregivers as independent individuals who need to be cared for. This research also proposes future research recommendations.
起訖頁 | 071-093 |
關鍵詞 | 家庭照顧者、畢業照顧者、復原力、照顧歷程、靈性關懷、primary family caregiver、former family caregiver、resilience、care process、spiritual care |
刊名 | 輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 202211 (44:2期) |
出版單位 | 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系 |
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