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並列篇名 | Core Roles of School Social Workers Working with Autistic Students in Elementary and Middle Schools |
作者 | 翁辰郡、胡中宜 |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要目的係探究學校社工師在國中小校園中服務自閉症學生時扮演的核心角色。運用深度訪談法收集資料,邀請台北市教育局學生輔導諮商中心五位學校社工師參與。研究結果顯示學校社工師服務自閉症學生、家長以及跨專業夥伴工作的核心角色,主要有協調者、諮詢者、教育者、資源連結者、支持陪伴者、倡導者等角色。進一步發現學校社工師服務自閉症學生國中小階段輔導議題之差異,與學校輔導團隊其他專業人員之系統合作,以及在生態系統觀點下微視、中視與鉅視系統的執行角色焦點。最後,本研究建議:(1)掌握學校社工師的核心角色,落實三級輔導機制;(2)強化跨專業合作,增進角色分工與網絡合作;(3)全面開展生態系統觀點下的多元角色任務。
英文摘要 | The main purpose of this research was to analyze school social workers’ core roles in serving autistic students in elementary and middle schools. An in-depth interview method was used in the study to collect data from five school social workers at Taipei City Student Counseling Center. The research results showed that the core roles of school social workers in serving autistic students, parents, and trans-professional partners included coordinators, educators, consultants, resource linkers, support companions, and advocators. Secondly, the school social workers played different roles in the micro, meso, and macro levels of an ecosystem and executed systematic cooperation for students with autism in primary and secondary schools. Finally, suggestions for future practice are as follows: (1) to master the core roles of school social workers and implement the three-level guidance system; (2) to strengthen trans-profession cooperation and implement role division and network cooperation. (3) to practice multi-roles under the ecosystem perspective.
起訖頁 | 035-070 |
關鍵詞 | 自閉症、學生輔導、學校社工師、角色內涵、跨專業合作、autism、student counseling、school social workers、core roles、trans-profession cooperation |
刊名 | 輔導與諮商學報 |
期數 | 202211 (44:2期) |
出版單位 | 國立彰化師範大學輔導與諮商學系 |
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