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並列篇名 | The Study of Fatherhood Participation in Taiwan Immigrant Families |
作者 | 吳瓊洳、蔡明昌 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討家中育有青春期子女之新住民家庭父職實踐的現況,及其不同背景變項之新住民家庭父親父職實踐之差異情形,以及了解新住民家庭父職實踐與其子女生活適應與親子關係之間的相關情形。為達本研究目的,以自編之「父親父職實踐量表」、「生活適應量表」與「親子關係量表」為研究工具,109學年度臺灣地區就讀國中階段之子女為母群體,於北、中、南、東四大區域進行分層隨機抽樣,共抽出427位新住民子女及520位一般青春期子女,以進行比較分析。本研究之結果發現,新住民子女所知覺之父親父職實踐程度在各個構面(賺錢養家、陪伴支持、課業學習、行為管教、生活照顧)的表現上,都較臺灣一般家庭的父親還要低;夫妻婚姻關係愈差、家庭社經地位愈低的新住民家庭,其父親之父職實踐情況愈差;此外,新住民家庭父職實踐情形與其青春期子女生活適應、親子關係具有正相關。依據本研究之發現,提出幾點建議供政府相關機關制定家庭教育政策,以及地方縣市政府、學校、家庭教育中心推動家庭教育活動規劃之參考。 |
英文摘要 | The purpose of this study is to draw attention to the current situation of “Adolescents’ Fatherhood Participation” in Taiwan immigrant families, the difference between families with different background variables, and the correlation between “the participation of fatherhood,” “the accommodation of children” and “the relationship of parent-child.” In order to achieve the above purpose, the study used the method of Stratified Random Sampling aiming at junior high school children in Taiwan’s immigrant families. It took samples from four regions in Taiwan (North, Middle, South, East) and chose 427 children from the Southern and-Eastern immigrant families for the objects of the study. The discoveries of the study were listed as follows: First, compared to Taiwanese regular families, children in immigrant families were more likely to feel like their fathers do not often participate in their lives in the areas such as “supporting them with money,” “giving substantial companionship,” “showing concern on their school work,” “disciplining their behaviors” and “taking care of their daily lives.” Second, the poorer the marital relationship between the couple was, the poorer the socioeconomic status was, and the worse the participation of fatherhood was. Last but not least, there’s a positive correlation between these three factors: “the fatherhood participation of immigrant families,” “the accommodation of children.” and “the relationship of parent-child.” According to the results above, the study would put forward a few suggestions for central government agencies, local county and city governments, schools and family education centers to establish policies related to family education and promote various activities. |
起訖頁 | 001-047 |
關鍵詞 | 父職實踐、青少年、新住民家庭、fatherhood participation、adolescen、immigrant families |
刊名 | 教育與多元文化研究 |
期數 | 202205 (25期) |
出版單位 | 國立東華大學 |
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| 不同入學管道之大學生的學業表現差異:潛在成長模式分析 |