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並列篇名 | An Exploration of Multicultural Education Image Based on the Protection of the Right to Learn- With on the Legal System Design of " Lifelong Learning Act " and "Education Act for Indigenous Peoples" |
作者 | 宋峻杰 |
中文摘要 | 為落實「多元文化國」原則之國家憲政體制,以及明定保障人民學習及受教育權利之《教育基本法》法制運作,本文依序從再論多元文化教育、國家應落實保障人民享有貫穿全生命歷程的學習權,並進一步建構終身學習型社會等觀點,提出應透過以學習權保障為核心的終身學習制度,落實「永續教育」層次上之多元文化教育,並持續朝向「協合形式」的多元文化主義實踐推動,方符應我國民主憲政社會發展方向的立場。於研究進程中發現有利於「多元文化國」原則具體踐行之兩部相關法律,即《終身學習法》及《原住民族教育法》,或有悖違前述立場之虞,故於文末提出相關修法建議,以期我國終身學習型社會的運作更能符應憲政原則,並進一步地達成實踐多元文化教育之真正意涵。 |
英文摘要 | In order to implement the constitutional system of the principle of “multicultural nation” and the legal operation of the Educational Fundamental Act which guarantees the people’s right to learn and receive education, this article re-discusses some topics which about the truly meaning of multicultural education, and the state should implement to ensure that people enjoy learning throughout their lives and further constructing a life-long learning society. It is proposed that a multicultural education at the level of “permanent education” should be implemented through a lifelong learning system centered on the protection of the right to learn, and the multiculturalism should continue toward a “corporate form” of the development direction of our democratic constitutional society. This article also analyzes the legal content of the two laws that specifically implement the principle of “multicultural nation”, namely the Lifelong Learning Act and the Education Act for Indigenous Peoples. All these works are proposed in the hope that the operation of our life-long learning society will be more in line with the principles of constitutionalism and further achieve the truly meaning of practicing multicultural education. |
起訖頁 | 045-084 |
關鍵詞 | 生命共同體、多元文化主義、多元文化教育、終身學習、學習權、life community、multiculturalism、multicultural education、lifelong learning、the right to learn |
刊名 | 教育與多元文化研究 |
期數 | 202111 (24期) |
出版單位 | 國立東華大學 |
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