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並列篇名 | From SET to STELT: Seeking the meaning of learning as a community for curriculum development |
作者 | 过伟瑜 |
中文摘要 | 本研究主要关注教师教育如何专业回应教育改革的呼吁问题。研究始于一项师生共同评价教与学(STELT)的教育改革,通过跟踪记录一个为期三年、旨在帮助学生进入教师专业学习的课题发展计划,探究通过创建共同体中的共同学习的社会关系来整合教与学的意义。在传统的学生评教(SET)体制中,现有的课程凸显出教育改革和不变的教育评价体系之间的矛盾。现有的制度架构将教育者置于弱势地位,要求教育者既为既有体制负责,又要回应改革产生的新的要求。本文即探讨这种弱势地位与教育者的内在力量之间的关系,展示了在既有架构之内进行探究式学习的过程。在结论部分讨论了共同体式学习所面临的挑战和机遇。 |
英文摘要 | This paper is concerned with how teacher education can respond professionally to the call for educational reform. It reports on a three-year study of curriculum development in preparing student teachers for the move towards a learning profession, and seeks the meaning of the synergy of teaching and learning through a journey of building relationships for co-learning as a community. An innovation emerged in terms of "students-and-teacher evaluation of learning-and-teaching" (STELT). Amidst the traditional boundaries held in the system of "students' evaluation of teaching" (SET), the lived curriculum revealed dissonance between the call for reform and the unchanged system of evaluation. The structural condition of vulnerability for educators and the power from within are visited. The study demonstrated a quest for learning in an institutional structure that holds teachers accountable for both the existing system and the call for reform. The chapter concludes with iteration of challenges and opportunities for learning as a community. |
起訖頁 | 40-51;76-76 |
關鍵詞 | 学习共同体、教育改革、课程发展、绩效责任、教学与学习评估 |
刊名 | 中國外語教育 |
期數 | 201202 (5:1期) |
出版單位 | 外語教學與研究出版社 |
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