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並列篇名 | Effects of Parental Involvement on Educational Achievement Among Taiwanese Junior High School Students from the Perspective of Cultural Capital |
作者 | 謝志龍 |
中文摘要 | 本研究的文化資本概念,是以Lareau對於Bourdieu的文化資本理論之延伸作為論述依據,進而區辨出「家長認識或選擇學校」、「家長主動聯繫學校」及「擔任家長委員或義工」三類家長參與學校教育的行動,探討社會階層與家長參與的關聯,並檢驗家長參與學校教育對國中學生在校表現與教育分流的影響。藉由運用臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫進行實證分析,研究發現,父親教育程度與母親職業愈高的家庭對於學校認識或理解的程度愈多,藉由「家長認識或選擇學校」此參與行動,將讓其子女進入優良的教育環境並取得較好的學業表現,進而促成教育分流時有較高機率進入以升學為導向的學術分流。 |
英文摘要 | By adopting the concept of cultural capital proposed by Lareau’s extension of Bourdieu’s cultural capital theory as the main theoretical framework, this study examined three types of parental involvement in their children’s schooling: (1) Parent knowledge and selection of schools for children; (2) Parent contact of children’s schools; and (3) Parent participation in parent’s associations or service as school volunteers. These types of parental involvement were applied to discuss the association between social class and parental involvement and thus analyze the effects of parental involvement on their children’s academic performance and outcome in educational tracking. By conducting an empirical analysis on data collected from the Taiwan Education Panel Survey, this study found that fathers with higher education levels and mothers with higher job statuses had a greater understanding of their children’s education or school affairs, and thus applied their knowledge in selecting schools, enabling their children to enter highquality educational institutions and achieve high academic performance, consequently leading to a higher chance of their children entering an academic track. |
起訖頁 | 001-045 |
關鍵詞 | 文化資本、家長參與學校教育、教育成就、教育階層化、cultural capital、parental involvement in schooling、educational achievement、educational stratification |
刊名 | 教育與多元文化研究 |
期數 | 202105 (23期) |
出版單位 | 國立東華大學 |
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| 異性戀大學生對同志家庭親職撫養與孩子適應的負向態度之研究 |