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並列篇名 | The Association between Students’ Self-evaluation of Performance in Reading Comprehension of Geometry Proof and Inclination for Reading while Encountering Difficulty |
作者 | 楊凱琳、林福來 |
中文摘要 | 本研究旨在探討學生幾何證明閱讀理解的自我評估與讀不懂時持續閱讀的意願之關聯性。在學生接受數學證明閱讀理解測驗的歷程中,測量學生完成閱讀理解測驗當下自我評估理解程度及其讀不懂時持續閱讀的意願,以敘述統計、單一、成對和獨立樣本t 檢定、相依樣本的變異數分析作為量化資料的分析方法。研究結果發現:一、國三生在較簡單的證明題上自評較低理解程度的面向是摘要、應用和一般性,而高中職生是摘要和應用;二、國三生在持續閱讀的正負向意願不會隨著證明題的難度而有顯著改變,而高中職生在持續閱讀的正向意願也是如此,但持續閱讀的負向意願則隨著證明難度而增加;三、國三生在較簡單的證明題之自評閱讀理解程度和其持續閱讀的意願都顯著相關,而高中職生則在較難的證明題之自評閱讀理解程度和其持續閱讀的意願才有顯著相關。最後,將依本研究的結果做進一步的推論,以對未來的數學論證教學與研究提出具體的建議。 |
英文摘要 | This study aims at investigating the association between students’ self-evaluation of performance in reading comprehension of geometry proof and inclination for reading while encountering difficulty. After students completed the questionnaire of assessing reading comprehension of geometry proof, they were asked to answer several 5-point Likert items of measuring self-evaluation of performance in reading comprehension of geometry proof and inclination to reading while encountering difficulty. Descriptive statistics, dependent and independent t-test, and ANOVA for repeated measures were used to analyze the data. The results showed that students’ self-evaluation is influenced by the facets of reading comprehension and the difficulty of geometry proof. Moreover, the associations between self-evaluation of performance in reading comprehension and inclination to reading while encountering difficulty differed according to task difficulty. Afterwards, some implications are further inferred in order to give suggestions about teaching of and research on mathematical proof. |
起訖頁 | 117-135 |
關鍵詞 | 閱讀理解、意願、幾何證明、自我評估、reading comprehension、geometry proof、inclination、self evaluation |
刊名 | 臺東大學教育學報 |
期數 | 200912 (20:2期) |
出版單位 | 國立臺東大學師範學院 |
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