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並列篇名 | The Disciplinary Concept of Positive Psychology: Its Understanding and Rendering |
作者 | 邵迎生 |
中文摘要 | 汉语文献中积极心理学的学科定义是混乱、令人费解的。通过对积极心理学的汉译和经典文献的梳理,本文将对这一定义中的strengths和virtues这两个关键概念的内涵进行探讨并对它们的翻译相恰性,提出自己的主张。 |
英文摘要 | The disciplinary definitions of positive psychology in Chinese literature are absurdly confusing. With a scrutinizing review of the corresponding definitions both in Chinese and classic literature of positive psychology, this study probes into two key concepts—strengths and virtues, so that a right understanding can be guaranteed and an appropriate rendering can be offered. |
起訖頁 | 54-59 |
關鍵詞 | 理解與翻譯、定義混亂、積極心理學、understanding and translation、definitions confusing、positive psychology |
刊名 | 華東師範大學學報(教育科學版) |
期數 | 200809 (26:3期) |
出版單位 | 華東師範大學 |
該期刊 上一篇
| 当代智力测验中的认知评估倾向:现状、核心与趋势 |
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