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並列篇名 | A Reflection on the Strategy and Effectiveness of Taiwan's Curriculum Reform in Basic Education |
作者 | 黄隆民、苏桂美 |
中文摘要 | 台湾的基础教育课程改革又称之为九年一贯课程改革,自1997年启动迄今,若问其成败,大致可曰[改革尚未成功,盘整仍须努力];若论其成效与展望,则大致可曰[病急乱投,矫枉过正,错误在所难免;对症下药,提纲挈领,细调应可回春]。课改过程及其成效所涉因素与配套,千头万绪,颇为繁杂,无法一一丝缕细说,爰仅能就其荦荦大者,诸如改革的背景脉络、改革理想与现实、执行战略与战术、教科书编审选用、职前师培素质与教师在职专业增能等议题,略就研究者于改革实施以来参与行动实践与研究之经验、省思与心得。总结而言,台湾课改政策之执行,先前由于一纲模糊而致治丝益棼,今课改成效回春之方剂或在于,参照并调整[板桥课程发展模式],委由专责单位将课程纲要予以具体化、明确化、阶层化与系统化,冀其赖以纲举目张,而竟臻[巩固基础教育工程,开创富而好礼新局]之理想。 |
英文摘要 | The curriculum reform of Taiwan's basic education which started in 1997 is also called Grade 1-9 Curriculum Reform. As for the result of the reform, it has not succeeded, and there is still a lot of space for improvement. Regarding the effectiveness and future of the reform, it turned to anything that might help when facing problems, and thus overcorrected some problems and inevitably made some mistakes; if appropriate approaches are adopted to make some adjustment, the reform may achieve success. There are a variety of factors that influence the process and effectiveness of the curriculum reform, including the contexture of reform, the conflict between ideal and reality, the policy executive strategy, the editing and selection of textbooks, teacher education, and empowerment of teacher profession etc. The authors made some reflections on those factors with their years' experiences from action researches. To sum up, the implementation of Taiwan's curriculum reform is hindered due to its ambiguous curriculum guideline. A feasible means to achieve success may lie in the reference and modification of |
起訖頁 | 54-71 |
關鍵詞 | 基础教育、课程改革、九年一贯课程、课程纲要、板桥课程发展模式、basic education、curriculum reform、Grade 1-9 Curriculum、curriculum guidelines、Banqiao Curriculum Development Model |
刊名 | 教育學報 |
期數 | 200910 (5:5期) |
出版單位 | 北京師範大學 |
該期刊 上一篇
| 试论比较教育学与教育学知识之间的关系 |
該期刊 下一篇
| 20世纪中期美国科学课程改革及其成效 |