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並列篇名 | The Development Trace and Characteristics of Chinese Educational Anthropology |
作者 | 李政涛 |
中文摘要 | 中国教育人类学要实现本土化,其”本”有两层含义:一是源发于中国教育的经验与知识。二是使用汉语来表达教育人类学的经验和思想。汉语教育人类学的产生和发展经历了奠定根基的时代、体系初建的时代、多元发展的时代。汉语教育人类学的发展特点是:汉语教育人类学是一门外生交叉学科,而非内生分支学科;汉语教育人类学的主要研究对象是”本土文化”;汉语教育人类学是用”汉语”这一语言方式表达经验和思想的。 |
英文摘要 | The localization of Chinese educational anthropology has two meanings:the experience and knowledge is derived from Chinese education;and the experience and ideas of educational anthropology is expressed in Chinese. There are three stages of the foundation and development of Chinese educational anthropology:the items of laying the foundation;building the system;and diversifying development. The characteristics of Chinese educational anthropology included:it is an exogenous cross─disciplinary instead of an endogenous embranchment disciplinary;its main object of study is “local culture”;it expresses experience and ideas in Chinese. |
起訖頁 | 3-10 |
關鍵詞 | 发展、教育人类学、汉语、development、educational anthropology、Chinese |
刊名 | 教育學報 |
期數 | 200812 (4:6期) |
出版單位 | 北京師範大學 |
該期刊 下一篇
| 教育人类学性格的探讨 |