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並列篇名 | Discussion on the Character of Educational Anthropology |
作者 | 樊秀丽 |
中文摘要 | 从美国教育人类学学科地位的确立和发展入手,通过分析”人类学与教育”到”教育人类学”学术用语在不同时期的使用,具体阐释教育人类学在其发展中所形成并具有的双重性格,即基础学科的性格和应用学科的性格。前者的目标是运用与教育相关的研究成果来推动文化人类学一般理论的发展,这是趋向于文化人类学方向的综合性教育研究;后者是将文化人类学的理论、方法应用于教育实际性问题的研究,以起到解决问题的作用。 |
英文摘要 | Beginning with the establishment and development of American educational anthropology as a discipline and then analyzing the use of terms from “anthropology and education” to “educational anthropology” in different ages, this article explains in detail the double character of educational anthropology formed in its development, that is, the character of basic discipline and applied discipline. The goal of the former is to promote the development of the general theory of cultural anthropology by applying the research achievement related to education, which is a comprehensive educational research orientated to cultural anthropology. The latter is to apply the theory and methods of cultural anthropology to the study of practical problems in education for the solution. |
起訖頁 | 11-16 |
關鍵詞 | 应用学科性格、基础学科性格、双重性格、教育人类学、the character of applied discipline、the character of basic discipline、double character、educational anthropology |
刊名 | 教育學報 |
期數 | 200812 (4:6期) |
出版單位 | 北京師範大學 |
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| 汉语教育人类学的发展轨迹及其特征 |
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| 改革开放三十年教育事业发展的伟大成就 |